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"Keith we've been over this, you can't just go around drawing male privates on the teachers' boards." Principal Reynolds lectured, boring me out of my mind. "How y'know it was even me?" "You had your initials in the corner of the testicles. Like always." I smacked my lips, that could've been anyone. "Now, I think you should be suspended this time." He started. "A month, unless you'd like to make an agreement ." I raised my eyebrow at the stout, pudgy man.

"What kind of agreement?" "You have to go a month with causing any trouble. One slip up and you're out." He suggested."Psh, really? I can do that with my eyes closed, old man." I responded leaning back in the chair."If you say so, Mr.Powers. Now, go back to class. Make sure you attended to your detention later today. I also know you've been skipping." Principal Reynolds said turning his attention back to his computer. I stood up and fixed my clothes heading out the office. I have this deal in the bag. This month will fly right by.

While walking to class I spot a set of lockers. That looks like a nice place to spray paint. What! No, keep it together Keith. Maybe I could just commit small crimes. No, I'm pretty sure Principal Reynolds has someone watching me. I turn around only to see a security guard posted up, see. I decide to just go straight to class. This is month is gonna be hard as shit.


"Y/N, this is the fifth time I've seen you in my court room in the past two weeks." Judge Jones fussed. "It's not my fault the chick decided to shove me out of nowhere." I spoke back blowing and popping a bubble with my gum after. "The witnesses said she was pushed,Y/N. It was an accident." Jones sighed. I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe she'll learn to be careful next time." I propped my legs on the table.

Judge Jones shook her head. "I can not continue to give you a slap on the wrist for your behavior, Y/N. If I see you on my schedule for a trial within the next month I will have you sent to a juvenile detention center." I choked a little, I know I'm a lot to handle but I never thought Judge would try to send me away.

"But Ju-" "I don't want to hear it. Now you make you sure you return back to school immediately. Don't forget about your detention later today either. Ms.Benson has been letting me know you've been skipping." Judge Jones cut me off and banged her gavel. I groaned loudly and stood up. The guard waited for me to hand him my keys so that he can drop me off at school. I tossed them to him and headed straight to the car.

If I can't cause any trouble for a month I gotta join some type of sport, maybe volleyball, they hit stuff and yell a lot.


"We don't want your delinquent ass on our team. You might get hit too hard with the ball and beat up one of the opposing team mates." Lacey, the volleyball co-captain complained. "Lacey hush, Y/N it's not that we don't want you. It's just that you have a bad temper." Tiana, the captain reassured with a nervous smile.

I shook my head, does everyone thinks I'm just a bad apple?

"Listen, I solemnly promise to manage my anger if I join the team." I begged, I have to do something productive with all this free time I have now unfortunately. Tiana looked me for a moment and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't feel like you're lying, so come to tryouts today after school. If you do make it and you break your promise you'll be kicked off the team."

My face lit up but quickly fell once I realized I can't show due to detention, fuck.

"Are there possibly any other times you guys have tryouts, because I have detention for the rest of the week." "Well the deadline is next Wednesday but after that it's over, so make sure you're here." Tiana answered. I thanked Tiana and made way to my last class of the day.

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