12•Damn Fool|Keith

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"Get down of the fucking floor! Now!" Keith yelled at the cashier waving a pistol around in his face. "Please, don't shoot. I have a family,sir." The cashier pleaded. Keith rolled his eyes in annoyance and groaned. "Nigga, I ain't ask for all of that. Just get down on the floor!" He yelled. The cashier, with tears running down his face, slowly got down on the floor. Just as he got down he pressed a red button.

Keith looked over at Y/N, who looked like she was about to shit herself, and motioned her over to him. Y/N trudged over towards him and sighed. "Hop across this thing and get the money." Y/N rolled her eyes and hopped over the counter. She looked down and saw the cashier staring up at her. He had pleading eyes, Y/N felt bad about this. She didn't want anything to do with this. 'If only she wouldn't have given Keith the time of day.' She thought. Y/N remembered that day like it was yesterday.


Y/N was posted up on the wall at some party. All she saw were girls dressed in skimpy clothing doing indecent things with boys and people sitting at tables doing drugs. Y/N wasn't familiar with this setting, she was always devoted to her schoolwork and track. She was the number one runner in the county, scouts were always showing up at the meets to see Y/N.

Y/N sighed and was about to walk up to the refreshments table when a darkskinned fellow approached her. "Aye, you trackstar?" He asked. Y/N slowly nodded her head with confusion written all over her face. "Follow me." Y/N shrugged her shoulders and followed behind the guy through the crowd of intoxicated people.

The guy stopped in front of another guy who was surrounded by girls. "Here you go, Luke." The first guy said before walking away.Y/N grabbed her elbow with her opposite hand and rubbed it. The second mystery guy looked up at Y/N and grunted. "What are you doing here, trackstar?" He asked standing up. "To have fun, obviously." She smartly answering.

"Cute. You don't belong here." Luke said cutting right to the chase. Y/N made a face . "What do you see around you." Y/N looked around the room then back at Luke. "A party, duh." Luke placed his fingers in between his eyebrows and pinched the skin. "You see people who don't have it like you. Smart and prepared for life. We on the other hand have to survive until the next morning bus stop, over and over again." Luke explained.

Y/N stayed quiet. Luke sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. "Here." Luke said handing Y/N $150. Y/N shook her head. "I can't take that." Luke placed the money back in wallet and into his pocket. "Keep in mind that you have something special, don't lose it. Come to me whenever you need something." Luke spoke. Y/N nodded her head and took in what he said. "Wood, make sure trackstar gets home safe." Luke spoke again motioning for the first guy to reappear. When Woody tried to touch Y/N she pulled away. "I know what the door is." She snapped, walking off. Luke watched Y/N storm off and sighed. " I hope she listens."

As Y/N walked out of the home crying she walked past a tall, buff, caramel toned guy leaned up against a pole taking sips from a 40 oz. "Leaving so soon?" He asked stopping Y/N. Y/N sniffled and looked up at him. "I just got kicked out, because I 'don't belong here'. " She mumbled quoting Luke. The tall gent scoffed a little and chuckled. "Luke has always had his own vision of fun." He spoke, taking another swig from the bottle.

"Name's Keith by the way." "Y/N." Keith nodded his head started looking her up and down before planting a smirk on his face. "Let's go have some real fun." Keith suggested while handing the bottle to Y/N. She stared at the bottle blankly before receiving it from his hands and taking a sip. Y/N scrunched up her face at the taste. "This is disgusting." Keith chuckled and took the bottle back, chugging down the rest. He grabbed Y/N's and guided her towards her demise.


"Y/N snap out of it and get the fucking money!" Keith snapped and waving the gun in the air. Y/N ran her tongue across her dry lips. Ever since that night at the party Y/N and Keith have committed the things that Luke warned her not to do. Now, it was just a matter of time before they were caught.

"Y/N!" Keith yelled again. "Stop fucking yelling at me, damn!" Y/N snapped before opening the register and pilling the money in the brown bag. Y/N walked over to the safe and broke the lock off and grabbed that money too before hopping back over the counter. Keith grinned and grabbed the bag. "Let's go." He said before running out the store with Y/N following behind.

Once the two teens made it down the alley they stopped to catch their breath. "Man, he ain't even know what hit him." Keith laughed. Y/N started laughing too, agreeing. Suddenly they heard sirens. Y/N sprinted away, leaving Keith in her dust. "Yo, slow down Trackstar!" Keith called out. Y/N stopped way ahead of him and turned around laughing. Right before Y/N could do anything a police officer appeared from the open outing with a gun.

"Get down on the ground." The officer repeated over and over aiming the gun at Y/N. Y/N slowly got down on knees while tears ran down her face. She looked behind the officer to see Keith stopping in his tracks and turning around to run the opposite direction. Y/N started crying harder. 'Should've listened to Luke.' Y/N thought to herself.

'Now I look like a damn fool'


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