Prologue: Welcome to my Life

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Blog #1- A bit about me.

Resurface, then sink.

Repeat those steps until true satisfaction if obtained. And...if it isn't, then it's simply because true satisfaction is something you haven't realized you have.

It didn't take me that long to learn that life lesson. Yet again, something you learn from experience and not from another scolding you'd receive from level-headed parent who so desperately tried to warn you not to go there and do that. We know that feeling, you and I both. It's funny. You know, the way everything just works. Parents scold you, warn you about stuff you want to do...and we still do them. Let it alone be to simply just touch a hot stove or go to well...more extreme sorts of things.

I'm going to lay it on the table now that I am no smartass trying to make a quirky kind-of thing. Because, honestly...who hasn't seen that load of bull over and over? Seriously, get almost any teen high school romance novels, T.V Shows, etc. Where does that stuff even come from? Do people really live like that? I guess I just wouldn't would I. Then again, I do live in a remote island far away from any sane civilization.

A household literally composed of a cast of ranging personas. From unbelievably perverted to a stoic whom prefers to distance herself from the rest of the freak show family. But I guess one freak show family must have more families who share likeliness in their households. Us Chestnut's were most likely the most normal of the bunch. It did help that none of us had alien warrior blood coursing through our veins. The Briefs, well they are an insane bunch. The Sons however probably took the said title of most 'freaky'.

Though really who am I to judge. I'm an only child living in the middle of nowhere with the same people for entire fifteen years. I did envy the other families however. Reasons were pretty crystal clear, The Briefs' were insanely rich anything you want they have. The Son's, even if there is an occasional drift or split between them, always have been very down to Earth people. How rare is that though? A down to Earth person in our world day-to-day?

I guess you could say Goten Son is down-to-Earth...ish. His best friend Trunks Briefs does live the life that most people wish they lead. Such as myself, Marron Chestnut. I don't say it out loud though. It sort of just comes off so strange. Saying things such as, "Man, I want to live your life." to me, sounds strange. Though secretly opulence is a lust everyone has, and it consumes them that they'd do anything for it. Everyone I know is just extremely materialistic. That isn't a negative nor positive comment really. Because, I think it's human to desire things, objects. If we find it cool or nice or cute, we're going to want it so what's the big deal?

Opulence...the word sounds so nice and lives up to its definition.

But I need to look things through a realistic point of view right? Because high expectations only ever lead into disappointment. I always try to keep them low. Because quality in music, art, novelty and even human beings have degraded. Sure there are the glimmering stars of hope, those who are still...real. With a real dynamic personality, not stereotyped as the 'hot girl with a Kim K ass' or 'hot guy with a said greek-god facial structure and chiseling muscles and abs'. It's just so funny how I realize these things as I write them down. They just flow out.

Besides the very odd intro for my blog that I ultimately went completely off hand with, I guess this sums up who I am pretty well. I'm a girl who thinks a lot, I'm materialistic, I try to keep everything honest. I'm not trying to become the next Stephen Chbosky, who by the way, wrote that book. I won't even bother to explain who he is, anyone who stumbles on this journal would have the powerful internet to google it.


Though short-lived the interruption was there, and it bothered her. Her father's voice intruded her eardrums and rang, even if the headphones in her ear blasted music loud enough to block just about anything. Pulling the spaghetti-like wires, the blonde craned her neck towards the wooden white door and annoyed grunt emitting out of her throat. "What?!" The fifteen-year-old really wasn't in the mood for whatever chore she was about to do.

Seriously though, why did she of all people had to do these sort of tasks? "Marron Juu Chestnut I am not calling you again, get down here!" Oh man, her middle name? What did she even do! Turning the golden knob she swung the door open, her face scrunched up and she stepped down the creaky white floorboards of the staircase. "Three...Two..." The blonde leaned against the archway of the kitchen, running her tongue over her teeth. "Ah good, looks like you finally got out of that cave you call a room."

The blonde was just about to retaliate but Krillin cut her short, "Uh-Uh, no snappy comments young lady." Wagging his finger like a dog's tail right in her face. "Come on help with the dishes." The short man stated as he dried his hands off with the red kitchen towel. After a short-lived whine, the blonde grumbled and walked over to the sink rolling her sleeves up turning on the sink un-enthusiastically. Scrubbing away the dirt and grime as she tried to finish quickly. "So, we've thought about it,"

Marron's hands stiffened, this always means change. No, a change wasn't good. That's the sort of stuff you shouldn't look forward too. "That maybe, you should start public school than being homeschooled." Krillin stated putting away the clean forks and spoons, "You need some friends too hun, I mean you are always locked away in that room of yours."

Marron shook her head annoyingly, pushing her black framed glasses back. "No!" She protested, "I don't want to start over somewhere new, ugh...don't you know that normal people are so boring." She grunted scrubbing down the white plate. "Like I just want to stay home and sleep all day, do I have to...I've been doing great here!"

Krillin frowned, his furry black mustache scratching against the top of his lip, shaking his head just a bit. "Marron...please, you're a fifteen-year-old anti-social who locks herself away from the rest of the world most of the time." He continued placing a plate down to look at his daughter who looked down at the plates, "Besides Goten and Trunks both go to that high school too, they're in your grade level as well...what's to worry?!"

Marron grunted and scrubbed the final plate not even looking back to her father. "Dad, why me know I can't deal with change." She grumbled, "Especially after Eleven years of schooling, you expect me to actually be fine with all of this?" She asked annoyed, "I'm not used to all of this."

The short father clicked his tongue and shut the drawer. "My point exactly Marron!" He seemed really passionate in how he said that "You are fifteen years old, we've been sheltering you from real experiences, experiences that can truly shape who you are." Krillin pointed out, leaning his elbows on him. "So, wouldn't it be cool?" He asked, "I mean...come on Mar...we can't shelter you from everything forever." The black-haired father continued, black tresses shaking. "Besides the fact the high school already accepted you!"

Marron repeatedly shook her head until her bun loosened up and flopped down. Her disapproval was out of this world, yet she was not only scared of what she might find, she's scared of the stories she's heard. friends to have around either. Bra's a Freshman sure, and Pan's still in seventh. So other than those two idiots she had a freshman and a seventh grader...great. Marron grumbled and looked at her father then back to the fridge. "I'll think about it." Taking a coke bottle and chip bag the blonde marched up the stairs once again.

Stupid life, trying to throw more obstacles that could just so easily be avoidable if her parents understood her utter discomfort around people in general. She likes to observe no be part of it. Conversation is great with mutuals...strangers felt so off and distant. It all seemed so alien to her. Maybe life is telling her that she should really just get out there, I mean sure, she may have the views of the world from a unique perspective...and she felt like no one understood that, maybe someone else did?

It...couldn't be that bad, could it? Taking a bit out of the potato chip, she glanced at the ceiling. What to do? To fight against it or to not? After several consecutive minutes of glaring at the roof without a single fluttering thought; She looked back down to the unfinished page in the screen, tapping her finger against the plastic spacebar Then typed:

" name is Marron Juu Chestnut, welcome to the mess I like to call my life."

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