III: Pointlessness

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Blog #3: Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

I question the motives of all humans, I question why I'm here...or what purpose I can serve to this Earth. My band of insane friends all seems to have their heads properly fit atop their shoulders. Why do I struggle? My mother tells me it's because I'm a bit of a late bloomer...mentally I've never been able to reach the brains of Briefs or the brawn of a Son. I'm just a Chestnut, I'm just a puny little human.

But, despite my insecurities amongst nearly all of my 'clan', I can announce with utter confidence that I am the most observant. I may be outmatched in the two fields, but I know their every weakness. Of course, I'm no manipulative bitch. I don't exploit people like that...besides if I were to ever do that, my only friends would slip out of my fingertips like sand.

See just a few days back, a boy I've never seen approached me in quite possibly the oddest form possibly. Of course, being who I am...I manage to keep him at a 3 feet radius away from me. Despite my attempt to exhibit my utter disinterest, he proceeded to message me annoyingly through social media.

Being someone who's never been shoved into this sort of situation for the life of her, I was at a loss. But, my blog isn't about him...it's about motive. Ever questioned what a person's intentions are? I do all the time.

Being a fifteen-year-old (with hardly any patience for people who question my intellect, mind you) I'm approached by the exact people who have such an audacity. All to try to outsmart me...or make me feel small. See, not everyone is a kind, gentle soul. People will try to bring you to your knees and make you cry only because they see you as under. Humans are evil, humans are very flawed. Not everyone will have good intentions toward you. But, unlike the alien freak show, I know...and love, humans are intricate beings who's desire for success and power outweighs their primal instincts.

Some may call it a flaw, I think it's a win.

"Why do people think it's okay..." Marron began staring aimlessly at the stars, "to hurt others..."

She looked towards the blue-haired girl, crystal-like tears surfacing her eyes as she stared upward into the night sky of Kame Island. Bra was just an impressionable fourteen-year-old girl it's not surprising when already someone had dared break her fragile heart. She rested her head on the blonde's shoulder staining her shirt with tears, and in the blonde's mind, all she could think was why?

Marron's dainty hand wiped the mascara-stained tears off the younger teenager's face, "Marron...I don't understand," never in her fifteen years has she seen the young teen's eyes so distressed and lifeless, "how could someone just...leave me because they wanted my body?"

"What will my parents think?"

"What will Trunks and Goten think of me?"

Questions such as these arose constantly and spilled out of her mouth.

Maybe, if certain things weren't sent...Bra wouldn't be pressured to comply with the demands of a disgusting boy.

Marron combed her silky azure strands in attempts to calm down the teen. However, the bluenette's breath hitched violently clinging violently onto her friend and all Marron could wonder was: Where was her brother was when she needed him? Trunks of all people could help make her younger sister feel safe. However, Marron kept her word and that she shall keep. But truly, the situation was far worse than Marron could ever fathom...Cupid really did have bad aim, and unfortunately, he kept using Bra as target practice. "Bra?"

"Yeah Mar?" Bra sniffled.

"Love...will come and go," Marron stated vaguely "this silly boy will not be the love of your life...all you need is you." The blonde stood up, walking closer to the ocean throwing her arms open to the sea. "What I'm saying is...let's be teens, act like we are still kids," Marron continued, "so what if no one loves you now...does it matter? No."

Bra's face was blank as she continued to hear Marron speak, "Maybe someday we might grow old, maybe we'll become legends...you and I are living in the prime of our youth," the blonde's words held every ounce of compassion she could possibly hold within "and look I can't promise dumb boys won't break your heart...but I can promise that with the time we've got we can still make the best, let's worry about boys after we celebrate the time we got alright?"

Bra wiped her jeans off from the sand that clung onto her, "Marron," the blue-haired looked back with one hand out-stretched, flashing a classic Briefs smirk, "let's change the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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