I: One Track Mind

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Blog #2 - Starting Over

I like to think that humanity isn't at its downfall. Yet, then again, remember how all my thoughts are pure lies. Humanity will inevitably wipe them out and there isn't a damn thing we can really do about it. Which, really is upsetting...but it's the truth; Wether you like it or not. Because this is the deal, we are born with the instinct to survive and if it means killing our own race off by pointless wars and acts of terrorism, then there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Though the question isn't how to stop it, why can't we?

I believe the answer is quite simple. It's because the one's that think how I do don't have the guts to speak out. Let me tell you, I don't have those guts either. But hey, eventually someone will speak out. Though that's the problem with humanity, we took more than two centuries to abolish slavery in most countries. That's sad. It's sad that voicing your opinion has actually become simpler but now that we have this sort of freedom we can't use it.

Sure, I opine on different topics, but I have the feeling my opinion is never really heard. I'm practically convinced that our elders don't have the time to listen to this generation thinking that all this "Rap" and "Drugs" and "Partying" is corrupting the minds of teens. We're often seen as some odd separate species observed almost like mice, and it's like...speaking to us is such a complex and strange thing to do. When really, we're regular-minded human beings.

The depiction teens have in the minds of other adults and media is quite...sad. We aren't some reckless, crazy rebels who smoke weed or snort a line. We're normal humans with independent thoughts. We all have our opinions that make our personalities different. Some of us sour, some of us sweet. So to whatever elder reads this and has this particular question: "How exactly do I talk to my teen?"

Just know, we aren't some separate species of humans that needs analyzation through a million different angles. We're the same as you, inside and out. Though our minds are obviously destined for superior mentalities to yours don't fret, as we will bring this world for the better. Believe me, we aren't dumb, nor are we simple-minded. I've seen this throughout my entire first school day and see how teachers and staff of that school can't understand us, students.

You see I'm no expert in public schooling, I honestly just started and so far it hasn't been a pleasant trip...to say the least. With the fake smiles and see through personas...it's hard not to well, ponder on about. Everyone here isn't as lively as TV and Media really made high-schoolers out to the public. Most people there don't seem happy to actually be there, they're just plain annoyed. Well to the certain individuals I saw anyway. Cause, they seem to exclude others from tiny cliques and they seem to have a good time, well in an occasion. I see them when they aren't around friends...they don't seem pretty happy.

There's where I can feel a bit of relation towards them. The utter loneliness is something I've grown to cope with through several sets of classic literature, you see I don't really plan on living the "Teenage Dream". Us teens are known for killing time, mindless boredom and unorthodox ideas which usually are normally to keep at the back of your head, stuff you really shouldn't think about or even pursue. Simply stupid ideas formulated from the pure boredom that ties in with being a teen.

I feel like, being a teen, is so redundant and so boring at times. Sure, we have great moments like when we drive our cars for the very first time getting that rush of pure freedom. But of course, there really isn't that much. I like to think young adulthood has a better sense of independence, being able to smoke, drink, stay out and do whatever we want to our hearts content...well legally at least. I mean anyone can do that stuff illegally and I feel like people my age like that sense of danger doing such mindless activities out of pure boredom.

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