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Sophie pov

"Okay we're going, honey," miss Tomlinson says while grabbing both of my arms. "You take care okay? Food is in the fridge, please eat okay? And close the door if you leave and call me before you leave, and-"

I sigh and interrupt her. "Okay mom, I get it." I say annoyed. "I'll eat, take care, call before I might leave and then close the doors". I smile at her.

"Okay, okay," she laughs. "I know, I have to let go that you're a senior now and growing older, but sometimes you're still my little baby okay?" I nod and push my parents out the door.

"Have fun at the stupid community thing! Say hi to mister Brook for me!" I say, before I close the door.

I go to the kitchen and give our dog some food. "Good boy", I say while I pet him. I look out the kitchen window. I sigh and stretch out. "Time for a shower I guess".

As I walk up the stairs my phone buzzes in my back pocket of my black jeans. I open the text from Olivia.

Wanna hang tonight? Parents gone means gossip time

I let out a chuckle and quickly reply while grabbing my stuff to shower in my room.

Sure, my place in an hour?

I lock my phone and start to undress to my underwear, leaving my tank top on. I look in the mirror and let out a sigh. Too bad I can't just wear a tanktop. My breasts are quite the size and wearing this just makes it look like I want to show off. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower, hang my towels and turn on some music. As I walk back to my room to grab a clean pair of underwear I hear the front door opening and some distant chatter. I quickly walk back to the top of the stairs that lead right to the hall and freeze for a second caused by my surprise.

"Soph!!" Louis says with a huge smile on his face and he walks up the stairs.

"Oh my god Lou! You're home!" I say almost crying while I hug him. I bury my face in his neck and get reminded by his same cologne he has been wearing forever.

As he releases me from our hug, I notice 3 boys behind him, standing quite awkwardly looking at us. Louis laughs and eventually introduces me to the others, as if I don't know their names. "Boys," he says, "my sister Sophie. Sophie, the boys, Niall, Liam and Harry."

I smile and wave. It's quite weird I never met them in 3 years, but I've never had the dream to visit them on tour and when I did, our parents and I just hung out with Lou alone.

I get disturbed from my thoughts when Harry points out my outfit. I blush and say "yeah I was heading to the shower, so yeah." I look like a fool.

"Is there any food?" Louis asks, "and where are mom and dad?"

"There is, in the fridge," I say. "Mom really wanted me to eat so she's left more than enough for all of us I think". I chuckle but Louis looks serious.

"Anyway, mom and dad are to this community 'new year' kind of celebration at school so they probably be out for a while."

Louis nods, still looking concerned. "Are you still eating enough, Soph?" He asks.

I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Yes, Lou. I do. Don't worry okay?"

He nods and takes the boys downstairs. Just when I walk to the bathroom again, he shouts "Are the guest rooms free?" I walk back to the top of the stairs and say "I guess, check the cameras okay?" He nods and walks away and I finally get to shower in peace.

I unlock my phone to see 2 new messages of Olivia.

Alright, I'll be there at 7!By the way, I want my Gossip Girl dvd box back so find them or I'll find you.

I check the time and it says 6:35. I better hurry up and undress further until I'm completely naked. I text her back before I step into shower.

Okay I'll jump the shower rn!Btw guess who just saw me almost naked!! Harry, Niall and Liam! Life is amazing isn't it!!!!

Olivia responds immediately.

NO WAY. How? When? Do I get to meet them?

I ignore the text and get into the shower. I wet my hair and let the water run over my body. My phone is blowing up by Olivia's texts. I smile to myself and let my muscles relax. I'm really happy Louis is home. I missed him a lot the past summer. Usually we went on little road trips together and holidays with mom and dad but this year it was different. He was on tour with the boys. The first one without Zayn. He was devastated when he heard Zayn wanted out and called me immediately. We're pretty close and it sucks not to have him around anymore.

As I get out of the shower I hear the front door opening again and soft footsteps on the carpet of the stairs. I put a towel around my body and hear a soft knock on the door before someone opens it. I turn around looking shocked, then Olivia says "naked and afraid, nice one Soph".

I chuckle and turn around to dry myself. "I sure am, no privacy whatsoever with you."

"Of course not," she says dead serious, "we're best friends, we don't need privacy."

I put on my underwear and turn around again, facing her now. While wiggling her eyebrows she says, "So, One Direction and us, all under one roof"

I laugh and nod. This is a dream that many girls must have and we're actually living it. "Amazing, isn't it?"

Olivia laughs "it sure is! Do they have plans tonight?"

"Why?" I ask, while putting on a pair of jeans and a simple blue sweater. "You actually want to hang out with them? I thought you didn't like them and their music."

"Correct," she says and sits down in the chair that is actually in our bathroom. "But that doesn't mean that they don't look extremely hot."

I laugh, drying my long hair.

"And yes, with them I also mean your brother, but especially the blonde Irish one."

I look at her with disgust "Ew Liv, not my brother please!" And she starts laughing crazy.

I turn around to face the mirror again, putting on some light make-up and fixing my hair with a similar color of blue headband.

"Don't you just always look amazing?" Olivia sighs and I look at her through the mirror, posing like an idiot.

"Thank you, my friend." I say and smile at her. "So do you."

She smiles back, gets up and fixes her hair in the mirror as well.

"So," I start, "How about we go downstairs and match you up with a lucky charm, shall we?"

Olivia chuckles and her cheeks get a little extra colour. "We shall, my friend", she replies as she goes ahead of me walking down the stairs.


Sooo welcome to my story!!! I hope you liked the first chapter of this! I'm planning to be posting a few times a week, like 2/3 times if I find enough time to write! I have my summer holidays now so it shouldn't be too much of an issue!

Please let me know in the comments what you think and vote for my story!!!

Love you already xoxo

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