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Sophie's pov

As we walk into the kitchen, the boys have gathered around the huge dark wooden table.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Olivia," I say and I open the fridge.

"Hello", Olivia says and the boys greet her back.

Olivia walks up to Louis and hugs him. "Good to see you again", she says.

"You too, Liv."

"I still have to-" I start, when Louis disrupts me mid-sentence.

"You should eat, Soph," he says with a stern look in his eyes. "Here, I've warmed something up for you" and he hands me a plate with pasta on it.

"Thanks," I say slowly, "I was just about to tell Olivia I still had to eat and was going to warm something up." I give him a fake bitchy smile. "But thanks, anyway."

I grab some cutlery from one of the many drawers our kitchen has. It's a bright kitchen with a lot of windows and white marble counters. Olivia grabs a can of diet coke for herself. She always grabs stuff she wants for herself. Then suddenly the home phone goes off. I grab it and look at the screen.

"It's mom," I say and looking at Louis.

"Don't tell her I'm home yet okay?" He says. "I want it to be a surprise."

I nod when I answer the phone. "Mom?" I say, "What's up?"

"Hi love," she says. "Have you eaten already?"

"Yes mom, I have a plate with pasta in front of me now," I answer, getting weird looks from the other boys. "Don't worry."

I look over at Olivia and roll my eyes, she chuckles and jumps to sit on the kitchen counter.

"Yes," I answer the phone. "Don't worry, Olivia is here so I stay home. Stay out as long as you want, don't worry. I'm not alone, and we'll be fine. Yes? Okay. Thank you, love you too bye." I say in a rush to finish this annoying conversation.

I put the phone back and sit at the table behind my plate with pasta. I find myself sitting next to Harry. His green eyes looking at me, looking at every inch of my body. I feel uncomfortable but start eating nevertheless. When I look over at Louis he looks satisfied with me eating.

"So, Sophie..." Niall starts, and I nod at him as a response. "I'm sorry if this annoys you, but why is everyone asking whether you've eaten or not?"

I feel a bit like I got caught with this question but Olivia was quick enough to answer before I had a chance.

"There are days where she does not eat enough," she starts, looking strict at my way for a brief moment before she focuses on Niall again. "And those days are usually not the best days for her..-"

"Thank you, Olivia", I disrupt her looking annoyed her way. "I can take it from here."

I look over at Niall before I continue. "I have had some mental issues," I start, feeling insecure about telling the whole story so I leave it to the short summary. "And on top of that my other best friend passed away last year and that did not make things much better but I'm seeing a therapist now so it's not such a big of a deal anymore. But on bad days I used to eat nothing all day and sometimes pass out because of that, so now everyone is keen of focusing whether or not I had a bite of something that day."

Niall nods his head, deep in thoughts. "I'm sorry about that," he says eventually. The other boys nod their head in agreement.

"It's okay," I say, smiling at them. "But thanks anyway."

Louis looks at me, guilty. "A word, maybe?" He asks me.

"Sure," I say. I place my empty plate in the sink and follow him out of the kitchen into the garden.

He lights up a cigarette and so do I. I look at him from the side. He looks tired in this light. I sit down at the lounge and gesture to him to join me. As he sits down next to me, he inhales a deep breath of smoke and sighs.

"I'm sorry, Sophie," he starts, looking even more guilty than he did inside. "I'm sorry I haven't been here enough for you. I should have been and I haven't and I can't tell nor show you enough how sorry I am."

I sigh, inhale another drag of my cigarette and look at him. "Lou, it's okay. I can't thank you enough for coming home for two weeks after the accident happened, just taking a break with your tour and being here to support me. That's all you could do. Of course, it still hurts but it still will even though you're here."

He nods and looks at the sky and then back to me. "It's been a year," I continue. "A year has past and we're still here. And you're here again. And I'm happy for that. Even if you were here this whole year, it still would have hurt as much as it does now."

I move over to sit closer next to him and I wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and gives a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you, sister," he says, his soft eyes looking at me with a grin on his face.

I stand up to walk back inside. "I love you too, bro," I say as I punch him softly on his arm.

As we get back inside Olivia is telling a story about her brother being in college. As Louis and I join to sit at the table again, she gives me a soft smile.

"Everything okay guys?," Liam asks. Louis and I both nod. "Now, let's have some drinks shall we?" Louis says grabbing some beers from the fridge and giving one to Olivia and I as well.

As I look around the table I suddenly feel so happy. My brother is home with his friends, I'm here with my best friend and everyone seems comfortably happy as well. Then, when my eyes meet Harry's he winks at me. I feel a weird twist in my stomach and blush.

"You look good," he says softly, then squeezing my thigh. I smile at him and he returns the favour. He makes me feel quite uncomfortable in a comfortable. Then I look over at Louis' and he looks annoyed. My sudden feeling of comfortable has disappeared straight away. 


I hope you liked this chapter!! 

Let me know!


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