Fix You

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During the weeks leading up to Christmas break dad notices that I've completely stopped talking to my friends, I eat alone, I barely eat, I sometimes don't show up for meals, I've become distant and cold towards everybody and I'm completely immersing myself in schoolwork.
"I wonder why Ms. Snape's eating alone," Professor Shacklebolt asks my dad.
"I have no clue Kingsley but I intend to find out. I've never seen her so completely cut off from everyone else," Dad says. He notices when I get up, barely having touched my food, and walk out of the great hall, my head held high. Once I get out of the great hall I run for the one place that dad won't think to look for me. My private room that I found, and moved my shopping into, the last time I wanted to completely cut myself off from everyone else. I unpack my clothes and shoes and summon my trunk and school bag. I unpack my books and school supplies from my trunk then put a note on top of it and send it back to my room. The note says ' Second-floor corridor, third door on the right, the password is 'Severus and Lillianna Snape forever'. That's where you can find me.' I send my trunk back to our quarters and magic that note to appear in front of dad wherever he is. I sit on my bed and sob. Dad comes in ten minutes later, comes over and kneels next to me.
"Lilly? What's going on with you? You've never completely cut yourself off from everyone else," He tries to push inside my mind and hits my shield but then almost falls on his ass when I drop my shield and let him see the memories from the beginning of the school year. He finds out about my friends thinking that I'm behind some of the freaky stuff going on and going behind my back to investigate instead of just asking me. He also finds out about those same friends excluding me from everything they do and about the bullying from the rest of the Slytherins. He eventually gets to the memory where he finds out why I am the way I am. He comes out and notices me hanging my head in shame, tears dripping onto the floor. He tilts my head up, so that I'm looking at him, and wipes my tears away.
"Are you thinking about it?" He asks, concerned. I nod, turning away, ashamed.
"We will get through this but first we have to go talk to Albus and see what we can do to help you," He says. I shake my head.
"I just want to be left alone," I say, sobbing.
"I'm not leaving you. I will fix you and we will get through this. When we're done your ex-friends will wonder how they even doubted you. You're getting a complete makeover after we fix you. New clothes, new shoes, new accessories and a new attitude. We have to fix you first though," He says. He sits on the bed, pulls me onto his lap and holds me. I finish crying and he lifts me up and carries me to Dumbledore's office. We get in there and sit down in front of him.
"Severus, Lilly, what brings you two here? Not having problems are you?" He asks, a familiar twinkle in his eyes.
"We are just not the kind that you're thinking of. About a month or so ago Lilly stood on the roof of the school, with her wings tucked in, then walked off of it and hung in mid-air with no regard for her own life. Light streamed out of her from every angle and once that was done she dropped without even opening her wings which I later found out she didn't remember any of it aside from walking off the roof. Lately, I've noticed that she's been distancing herself from everyone else and has been depressed. She's been contemplating suicide. I saw one thought in her mind and she's so broken that she thinks suicide is really a beautiful option!" Dad says, raging at him. He rolls my sleeve up and shows him my scars. Lightning flashes in the old man's eyes.
"Is this true, Lilly?" He asks, concerned. I nod, looking away, ashamed.
"You should have told me what was going on when I asked if you were ok. I could have helped you. It's not too late though. We can still get through this and you can still come out the other side stronger than you were when we started," He says. I nod, not looking at either of them.
"Lilly, this isn't the only thing bothering you is it?" He asks, concerned. I shake my head.
"What else is bothering you?" Dad asks, concerned. I shake my head. I want to tell them, I really do, but I find myself unable to utter a single word to start the paragraph I want to say.

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