Taking down Albus part 2

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I get back to school after winter break and Luca, Izzy and I, who have all gone through our transformations, work on a plan to gather incriminating evidence against Albus without him getting close enough to take me down. Draco, who has become a friend and really close cousin, has stopped trying to hurt me and is actually helping the three of us with our plan. I worked out a deal with Rita Skeeter at the Daily Prophet that if I give her really incriminating evidence complete with juicy details then she'll print it word for word. She also vowed to keep me anonymous as a source but she's also printing a segment about me being the submissive Veela mate to Tom Riddle. The first weekend after Christmas break I throw on my cloak, slip out of dad and I's quarters, slip out of the school, walk across the school grounds, use the same spell on the Hogwarts gates that dad uses on the gates at the manor, walk through them, apparate down to Hogsmeade and meet Rita. Little does everybody know I've known Rita since before I even started Hogwarts. She happened to live on the same street that I did so when I could slip away from my step parents during the day I would walk down to her house and spend the day with her. I kept clothes there so that I could shower once I got there and I spent the night most nights. Rita and I hug then walk into the Three Broomsticks and head up to one of the rooms that we usually use for our interviews. We get into our favorite room, shut the door, lock it and ward it. I pull my hood back, take off my cloak, lay it on the back of the chair, sit down in the chair across from her and sigh, rubbing my face with both hands.
"You ok Lilly?" She asks. I nod.
"Yeah. Dad, Tom, and father are going to murder me, metaphorically speaking, for sneaking out. All three of them like to know where I am at all times so that they can help me if I need it. Although, Tom does have one way of tracking me and it's this necklace. It showed up the day I bonded with him along with this ring. Tom has the matching set." I say, showing her my necklace and ring. She smiles.
"Ok, let's get to the interview. When did you find out that former Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore put you with an abusive family for his own personal gain?" She asks me. I smirk.
"When my dad, Professor Severus Snape, brought me to Hogwarts and we were in the headmaster's office to get me sorted. That's when I saw my mother, Minerva McGonagall, who at the time was the Transfiguration professor and Gryffindor head of house." I say. We quickly finish up the interview and I head back to school. I get back and lock myself in my room. I don't come out for two weeks, just sitting on my bed and staring at a picture of mom and I, before she died, with tears streaming down my face. Dad eventually fire calls father and Tom at Gaunt Manor and tells them what's going on. Father floos over, with his doctor's bag, immediately. My father, William Malfoy, is a licensed medi-wizard. He immediately comes to my room and knocks on the door.
"Lilly, May I come in kiddo?" He asks. I unlock the door with my wand and he opens it and slips in, closing it behind him.
"It's not a good idea to doctor your own family but I guess I need to do that for you right now." He says, coming over and sitting on the bed with me. I give a small smile and nod. He immediately gets to work after having me lay on my back. I flick my wand at the radio and 'Wherever You Will Go' by The Calling starts to play. I flick my wand again and my radio is charmed to keep that song on repeat. I then close my eyes and sing along to the song. He listens to me singing and can hear the meaning in the words of the song. He sighs. He runs a couple of diagnostics and figures out part of the reason I've locked myself in my room. He allows me to sit up and I rub my hands over my face then look at him. He frowns.
"How have you been sleeping lately?" He asks, concerned. I shake my head.
"I haven't. I will literally come to bed, try to fall asleep, fail, get up, dress, throw on my cloak, grab my Sketchbook and pencil and go sit on a windowsill in the corridor." I explain.
"By the way, please don't be mad at me when you read the Daily Prophet in the morning. Tom's going to be mad enough for three." I say. He sighs.
"What did you do?" He asks.
"An innocent little article on how badly Albus fucked up my life. Some of the information in the article is going to be new to you guys and I'm hoping that Tom isn't going to curse me for it." I say. He sighs.
"He may not curse you but he will definitely give you the cold shoulder. He's not going to be pleased when he finds out that his own mate has been keeping things from him." He says. I nod. He heads home and goes to bed. Once dad's in his office, grading papers from the day, I grab my iPod touch Gen 5 and earbuds and go sit down by the black lake. He comes in to say goodnight an hour later and worries when he finds that I'm not there. He looks through the entire school before looking through one of the windows in the entrance hall and seeing me at the black lake. He runs down to me with his raven hair flying and worry in his obsidian eyes. He gets down there and finds me meditating with the song 'Halfway Gone' by Lifehouse blasting through my earbuds. He kneels down in front of me and realizes that it's not a peaceful meditation because he can see tears making their way down my face. He sighs, sits down next to me, takes my iPod, pauses the song, takes my earbuds out, wraps them around my iPod, puts it in my pocket, wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. I lay my head on his shoulder and cry.
"What's wrong Lilly?" He asks. I shake my head, pull away, get up, take one last look at him, my eyes saying 'Help me!', and run back to the castle. He runs after me, concerned because he's never seen that look in my eyes before.
"Lillianna Nicole Snape! Come back here and talk to me!" He yells.
"Go away!" I yell, running faster. He runs faster, knowing that right now I don't mean what I say. I bolt up the front steps, speed through the halls, bolt up the stairs to the astronomy tower and collapse against the wall, sobbing in both physical and emotional pain. He finds me, lifts me up, carries me to our quarters, sits down on the couch with me on his lap and holds me while I cry. His heart breaks because he doesn't know why I'm crying so he can't help me. The next day during Transfiguration, my first-period class, I stand up, pack my stuff, sling my bag over my shoulder and punch Ronald Weasley.
"My dad is a better man than you will ever be!" I yell, storming out with tears in my eyes.
" Ms. Snape, come back here this instant or I will be telling your father about this!" Professor Shacklebolt calls after me.
"Go ahead, tell him. I don't care anymore!" I call back. I run out of the building and go sit in the stands of the Quidditch pitch. I dig out my iPod touch Gen five, put my earbuds in, unlock it, go into my Spotify, play ' We Are' by Big Time Rush, put it on repeat and turn it up so that it drowns everything else out. Professor Shacklebolt tells dad at lunch and he comes to look for me since he has a free period after lunch. He doesn't find me before he has to go in and teach potions again. That period is my charms period but next period I get up, jump off the stands, land on my feet, race inside and make it to the classroom just as the period ends. This period is my potions period so once everybody else is out I slide in, turn to the potion that dad wants us to make, get my supplies and start on it, still listening to my song. I finish before the rest of the class is even halfway done. I put my potion on dad's desk, clean up with a flick of my wand, even scourgifying my own cauldron, grab my bag, go into our quarters, sit on the couch with a mug of tea and work on my homework for the day. Dad comes in after classes are over and sits down next to me with a mug of coffee in his hands.
"What happened with Mr. Weasley today in Kingsley's class?" He asks, concerned. I explain what Ronald said to me and my reaction to it. He smirks.
"Probably not the best idea to punch the imbecile while in class but more power to you I guess. You should have told him that your friendship was over, slapped him across the mouth for saying what he did then walked away. Then again you've never been good at walking away when somebody badmouths a family member." He says. I nod.
"I know. I can't believe he'd say something like that. I honestly thought we were friends but I guess he's too prejudiced against you and all of Slytherin to see the good in you guys and to see that you aren't all bad. At least Izzy sees it and sticks with me. She actually slapped him and scolded him for being a git to me. Even professor Shacklebolt gave him detention. He would have given it to you but he knows that I spend all of my time outside of classes in our quarters." I tell him. He nods. Just then I think of something.
"Dad, do I have glamour charms on me?" I ask. He nods. I think about whether or not I really want to do this next thing.
"Will you take them off? I want to look like my true self." I say. He nods and takes them off. I now have mid back length platinum blonde hair, black eyes, a straight nose, full and pouty lips and pale skin.
"Merlin that feels good. How do I look?" I ask him. He smiles.
"Gorgeous. What do you say we go to Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley and get you some new clothes and accessories?" He asks. I smile.
"Let me just grab my purse then we can Floo to Madam Rosemerta's from Kingsley's office. I don't want to alert Albus to what I actually look like because he doesn't believe that I know who I truly am. It's safer to go from K's office because his Floo isn't being monitored by Albus because he's also a ministry employee and the ministry won't let it's employees to be spied on for fear of leaking confidential information." I explain. He nods.
"I actually make the Slytherin uniform look good," I say.
"Agreed," Dad says. I summon my purse and we run from dad's quarters to K's office. We run in and quickly shut the door.
"Hey Kingsley, May we use your Floo? Dad wants to take me to Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley to get me new clothes and accessories." I say. He nods.
"Is this your natural appearance?" He asks. I nod.
"I'm a Malfoy by birth but Snape by adoption," I tell him. He smiles.
"Of course you can. I'll see you guys in a couple of hours. In case you've forgotten Cornelius wants to meet the three of us at the Three Broomsticks to make a plan to take down Albus." He says. We nod and head out. That night I wake up at midnight, take a hot shower to wake myself up, get dressed in my school uniform, grab my bag and robes and go into the living room. I lay my robes on the back of my chair, set my bag on the floor next to my chair and collapse into the chair, staring into the fire. Tom happens to be staying over that night and both he and dad hear me when I get up. They come in the living room to find me sitting in my chair, already dressed, staring blankly into the fire. Both of them frown sensing that I'm starting to retreat into myself again. Tom comes over behind me and massages my shoulders while planting kisses on the top of my head.
"You ok Lilly?" He asks. I snap out of my thoughts and nod.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I ask.
"You looked like you were lost in your thoughts. What's up?" He says. I sigh.
"Another dream. Albus is going after the prophecy in the department of mysteries. He thinks that once he has it then he can use compulsion to get me back to his side to destroy you. Little does he know that the prophecy burns anyone who isn't one of the subjects of it." I say. Dad frowns.
"You're not going to retreat into yourself like you did last time, are you?" He asks. I shake my head. Two weeks later I'm avoiding everybody again. That night, during dinner, I go up to the astronomy tower, grab my guitar out of its secret hiding place, sit against the wall and start playing. I sing Daughtry's 'no surprise'.

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