Chapter 8

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Hiccup took a deep breath as he saw the armada approaching. They waited in silence as the fleet of ships and dragons got closer... Closer... And then the Gronckles dropped, making huge holes in many of the ships. Hiccup smirked quietly. That should make a dent in their forces. He thought. But the Gronckles were quickly forced to retreat due to the sheer numbers and force of the bolas, dragons and arrows that hailed on to them.

Some ships sunk, but most were still intact. And then it was the turn of the Monstrous Nightmares. They soared out, blasting everywhere, but they were forced to retreat as quickly as the Gronckles. The armada carried on, hardly even stung. And then they landed.

"Dragon Riders, engage the enemy!" Hiccup cried, and they soared down, with a roar.

"You little maggots, I shall crush you in my jaws!" Cried a Monstrous Nightmare beside them.

"Have a taste of fire, you kinkillers!" Roared Emerald, a green and yellow Deadly Nadder that Hiccup knew. Her parents and siblings had all been taken by Dragon Hunters, and it had been a job convincing her that Hiccup was not an enemy.

 Toothless roared loudly, then cried "I am Bluefire! Hear my name and tremble." And then they crashed into the ranks of dragons. Hiccup and Toothless zipped through them, too fast to be caught, searching for the flagship.

"There!" Hiccup shouted. He saw Drago, standing on the deck of the largest ship, hitting a chain and shouting.

"Move faster! Faster I say! You are so lazy, you are unfit of the name dragon!" He shouted, hitting the chain harder.

Hiccup and Toothless dived down underwater, searching for the end of the chain. And there it was. At the end of the chain was a huge grey dragon. Another Bewilderbeast.

They resurfaced, and landed on the flagship. Hiccup leapt off Toothless. He gestured to Toothless to stay. Drago looked around, saw Hiccup, and laughed.

"This? This is the great Dragon Master? The rider of the Night Fury? What shame that dragon just feel." He chuckled.

"All of this loss. And for what? To become unstoppable? To rule the world? Dragons are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together." Hiccup explained.

"Or tear them apart." Said Drago. "But enough of this." He banged on the chain, and the Submaripper sped up. Hiccup watched, apprehensive. And then Drago yelled one word.


He pointed his bullhook to a very familiar Thunderdrum and his rider. The new Bewilderbeast reared out of the water, and his pupils began to pulsate.

All at once, six different dragons shot fire at Stoick, hitting point blank. He crumpled, and fell off Thornado. Thornado roared frantically, and dived to catch his rider. The grey Bewilderbeast broke it's chains, and joined the battle.

"NO!" Hiccup yelled. He ran and leapt on Toothless. They leapt into the air and followed Thornado to the shore. Hiccup ran frantically to his father, and listened for a pulse. There wasn't one. Hiccup felt his world implode. "No." He whispered hoarsely.

"I'm sorry, Dad. This is my mess. I'll stop them." He climbed back on to Toothless, and they leapt into the air. Just as they were over the flagship, he clicked Toothless's tail fin into auto position, and leapt off. He opened his flight suit, and sprayed Zippleback gas with the hilt of his fire sword, Inferno.

Then he clicked the spark button, and the gas exploded, blowing Drago off the ship and into the ocean, where he was picked up by an armoured Thunderclaw and taken to the shore.

"Not again." Moaned Hiccup in midair as he flew uncontrollably towards the tail of the grey Bewilderbeast. It swung it's tail at him harder. And he could not stop it.

"Toothless! It's now or never!" Hiccup exclaimed. "Come on, Bud!" Toothless flapped towards him hard...

And then Hiccup transformed.

The fighting Dragon Riders, and even Drago himself stopped and stared.

"Get to safety, Bud. I'll handle them." Hiccup said, and flapped up high, and began a dive. He swooped down on Drago, and fired a plasma blast, engulfing him. That was the last thing Drago saw.

He swooped round, blasting ships and helping dragons and dragon riders in need.

And then he was entangled in a net.

He struggled ineffectually, trying to free himself, but to no aviail. 

 He fell into the ocean.

Hiccup felt his lungs burning. He struggled for air, and inhaled a mouthful of water. His lungs were on fire, and he soon felt blackness come and take him.

Fishlegs saw Hiccup fall into the ocean, and dived down on Meatlug to try and save him, but all he saw was murky water.

He resurfaced, wet and dripping, and sad.

The battle raged on, and all seemed lost, when-

The white Bewilderbeast came flying out of the ocean, roaring, and crashed on to all fours. He began to fight with the grey one. He lunged at it hard, and the grey one, shocked did not react in time. He deflected the blow, but his side was grazed.

The King stabbed again, this time pushing his tusks under the Grey one's neck. Grey fell to the ground, and the King stabbed him in the side. Grey roared once, but the sound was anguished and defeated, and then he lay still.

The unrivalled King roared in victory, and the dragons were released from their spell. They joined the Dragon Riders, and soon the puny ground forces were destroyed.


The battle was over. They had won, but at what cost? There were so many dead, including Emerald, that they could not be counted. Today the village of Berk were having two very sad funerals.

"May the Valkyries welcome you with open arms, so that they may sing your name with love and fury, that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A Dragonfriend. A son. May he not be forgotten." (A/N I know this isn't how it went in the film, but I made my own version.)

The assembled riders fired their burning arrows at the boat, and the distraught Toothless fired a plasma blast. The ship caught fire, and sailed on to the sunset. Stoick's funeral had already taken place, and now it was Hiccup's turn, but the ship was empty, because no one had found his body. Astrid, Valka and Toothless were the most affected.

Valka had never felt so sad. She had only just got her son back. And now he was gone. Forever. 

Toothless fired another plasma blast at the sky, and roared in respect to his friend.

Astrid bowed her head in shame, tears running down her face. Even though she had long wanted to, she had never got to say those fateful three words...

"I love you."

Word count :1141

Oookay, please don't kill me. The book is now over. *Dodges axes, spears, a mace and an angry chicken* Buuuut I can make a sequel if you want! Aargh! *Runs away in terror*

*(The sequel exists and is called Darkheart)*

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