The Last Good Day (Toy Story 2) + Tags

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This one- shot is from Jessie's POV. You'll figure out pretty quickly what it's about! :)

Emily burst into her room before beginning to slowly pace the length of it. Her friends were going to be here in around ten minutes, and she couldn't wait. She'd been incredibly bored all day, but soon she'd have something to do. Flopping down onto her bed, Emily looked up at the ceiling. What to do until then? She sat up quickly, and a flash of red caught her eye.

"Hey! Jessie!" Emily stood, walked over to her dresser, and picked up her cowgirl doll. "Man.. it's been ages." She thought aloud, then pursed her lips thoughtfully. Hmm.. it'd be a while before Taylor and Kaitlyn arrived. Emily's gaze didn't leave Jessie for several long seconds. Then a smile began to brighten her face.

Emily made a nickering noise as she nudged Jessie with her model horse. The mare was a black tobiano, and she was the old favourite of both Emily and Jessie.

"What's that? You want to go for a ride?" Emily spoke for Jessie, and then flung her up over the horse's side. "Well, alrighty then! Ride like the wind, Breezy!"

The smile Jessie wore as she was cantered throughout the little house may have been painted on, but that didn't mean it wasn't genuine. Emily was twelve now, and she'd been gradually changing. Jessie, and most of the other toys Emily possessed, had been more or less shunned by the girl. Emily didn't need toys to play with, her friends came over almost every day. They talked and gossiped for hours, gave each other makeovers, and sometimes even made long phone calls to other classmates. The loneliness she'd been beginning to feel lately didn't matter though, Jessie was being played with again!

Emily turned sharply to the left, galloping back into her room.

"It's time to round up the herd, Jessie!" She exclaimed. Rushing over to her row of model horses, still holding Breezy and Jessie, Emily gathered up as many horses as she could in her arms. Gently she set them down on the floor, making sure each was standing upright. "You ready, partner?" She asked with a southern drawl.

"Yee haw!" Jessie howled as sped along on her trusty steed. The herd next to them was flying over the arid desert terrain, and Jessie hunched over slightly as Breezy cleared a tumbleweed. "Hey!" She called as the lead horse began to veer off course. "You can't go that way!" Spurring Breezy on, Jessie came up neck and neck with the flea bitten grey stallion.

"Stay real steady now, you hear me?" Jessie hollered, making sure Breezy heard her. In response, the patched horse tossed her mane and flicked her ears. Slowly, Jessie stood up on Breezy's back as the herd continued to thunder along. Getting her balance, Jessie prepared to jump onto the back of the lead stallion. "Here we go.." she muttered, then leaped.

Time slowed down as the cowgirl flew through the air, barely making it onto the stallion's back. "Whoa!" Jessie was hanging over the horse sideways, and she tried to lift herself up onto the horse properly. Jessie gasped as she began to slip backwards, falling back towards Breezy. "No!"

Suddenly, there was something pushing her up and onto the stallion's back, stabilizing her before she'd had time to fall. Once she was sat up, Jessie looked to her right to see Breezy right next to her, still galloping along as fast as she could. "Thanks, girl! I owe you one!" Jessie called to her horse. "Now, let's get these critters back where they belong!" Gently, Jessie tugged at the gray horse's mane to guide him back on track, and it wasn't ten minutes later that Jessie had herded him and the others into their corral back at the ranch.

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