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Today is the day, the day Emma swan will be born. Snow is on the hospital crushing Regina's hand with every push she gives. Where's Emma's Dad you may ask..... no one knows. He was some low light the blow his lot in snow then left, sick bastard.

" AHHHH" snow screams while pushing again. "Snow you got this, you can do it dear" Regina tries to help her friend. " SHUT UP REGINA, IM TRYING" snow yells " Come one Snow, give me one more big push" " UGH" she yells and with one finale push she hears crying coming for her little girl. AND THUS EMMA SWAN WAS BORN. The doctor cuts the cord and cleans up her baby. " see snow you did it, and thank you for crushing my hand. Damn snow it like you became the Hulk of something" Regina says and laughs at her best friend "thank you really Regina I could have done this without you and sorry for crushing your hand" snow laughs " So.. Snow what ware you going to name her" the doctor asks and she names snow her daughter. Snow melts when she looks in her in her daughters beautiful green eyes. " Emma... Emma Marie Swan." ( Yes Mary's last name will be Swan) " That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl" Regina says with a smile.

Fast Forward 10 years

" EMMA COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE WEDDING!!!" Snow yells form the front door " Mommy its to early" Emma whines. Snow is wearing s beautiful flowy beep purple that goes to her knees with black flats dress for Regina's Wedding. Emma wear a beep green that goes a little pass her knees with white tiny high healed shoes. As main fi honor Mary has to be at Regina's at 8 in the morning. " I know it's early for you sweetie, especially since you stay up last night watching that movie, but you are going to see Regina today" Snow said sweetly " YAY! GINA LETS GO MOMMY" Emma yelled with joy. Snow just merrily shook her head and chuckled

At the wedding

Regina was walking down the aisle in the most beautiful dress ever. It was tight and sound off her body in all the right places, it sound of the right amount of cleavage and flowed passes her waist. Everyone was in awe and she graceful walked to Robin who was in a black tux. Emma is over the moon when her saw Regina, she didn't know why but she knew has never seen someone so beautiful.
The wedding ended beautiful vows and a spicy kiss.

The party

" Regina, we've been best friends since Emma has been born, you were even there when I gave brith to her and I could be more happy. I'm so happy to share this milestone with you like you did me. You were always scared of love because of you mother but know look at you married to the man of you dreams. I can't wait until i can stand by your side with you have you kids. I love you Mills and always will. BESTIE FOR LIFE!" Snow said by the end of her speech she was crying and Regina was crying. Regina got up form her sit and walked to Snow and they hugged. Everyone who wanted to talk, talked. The wedding was a ball and everyone was having fun. Emma was dancing with the other kids in the dance having the time of her life. Soon the wedding came to an end and everyone wished the happy couple a congrats and said goodbye.

7 years later

"REGINA COOK ME MY DAMN FOOD NOW YOU BITCH" Robin screamed " Robin honey I just got honey let me rest" Regina said rather clam " DO YOU NOT KNOW YOU BELONG TO?!?!" " Excuse me Robin I don't BELONG too any one, I am a grown women" " NO BITCH YOU BELONG TO ME AND DO WHAT I SAY WHEN I SAY IT!! GOT IT" Robin yells and her slapped Regina. Regina was got scared, Robin always gets like this when she doesn't do things. With another slap, Regina was crying on the floor. " STOP CRYING SLUT AND GET UP" Regina was skating as she got up. All she wanted was to run out the door but she knew if she did she would get even worse. But she didn't care she just wanted to leave, so she ran for the door. Robin grabbed her put the arm and pulled her back. " and where do you think you doing" Robin asked really pissed off " Snows house" Regina answered " No Bitch you aren't, we are going upstairs and I'm going to show you who's boss" he smirked. " No Robin please don't" Regina cried. Robin pulled Regina up stairs, he blow her lot in her and left and never came back. Regina laid there crying until she soon feel asleep.

3 Months later

No one has heard for Regina not even Snow. A moth ago Robin sent divorce papers saying if she wants going to listen and do what she was told her doesn't want her. Regina barley eats or sleeps since the incident. - knock knock- pulls her out her thought " ugh, who is that?" Regina asked herself as she walks to the door and opens it's seeing Snow. " Regina I've been worried sick you haven't answered your phone in....... Regina are you ok?" Snow ask as her see how horrible Regina looks with her very pale skin all ghost like and dark bags under her eyes. Regina couldn't even speak in the moment she just cried in Snows arms. " Snow............. H-He R-R-Raped me and now he wants a divorce" Regina whaled. " Regina, honey you are coming with me ok" snow said. Regina nodded. " stay here I'll get your stuff, and Regina you are a Beautiful, Smart and power Women any man or Women would be lucky to have you ok" Snow said and kissed Regians head before going to her room to get her clothes. After get all thing thing Regina will need they made there way to Bsows house.

So that's the first chapter, I hope you like it. I just wanted to fill in some things before we get to the good stuff 🤗. Please feel free to leave a suggestion on what I should do in future chapters if you want.
Thank you so much for reading this! I can't wait to see how this will turn out for me since this is my first story, so don't hate it to much 😅
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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