Meeting Again

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Before I start I just want to say that I thought having Emma go to a boarding school would be a good idea. She's been there since she was in the 6th grade and hasn't seen Regina since ( yes she comes home at summer but never see Regina).

It was late morning 11:30 when Regina woke up in Snows Bed. She rolled out with a groan and walked slowly down stairs to see Snow in the kitchen drinking coffee. " Hi G, How are you?" Snow asked concerned " I'm fine, Snow I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. You know he's been like this for 3 years now" Regain said tearing up. Snow got up wand walked to Regina hugging her tight " Yes I know and I've been trying to get you out that house for 5, Regina I know you loved him up this will do you some good" Snow smiled slightly. Regina smiled back and pulled away, walking to the coffee. " Snow........ Thanks so much this means so much to me, you are such a good friend" " G, I'm here for you when ever you need it" " Thanks, I love you bestie" Regina smiled " Love you too G" Snow laughed " Oh, G guess what? Emma comes home tonight, you haven't seen her in 5 years!" Snow said smiling widely " Wow, How is Emma? I guess it has been a long time since I've seen the little swan princess" Regina chuckled

Later the night

"Mom I'm home" Emma yelled walking through the door at 7:35. Emma heard, Snows feet running on the ground and she was engulfed in a huge bear hug. "! I can't breathe" Emma laughed as Snow let her go " So Em, I hustled missed you it's been 4 months since I last saw you" Snow smiled Emma walked at her room and put her stuff away then walked to the kitchen where she say her mom making her a plate. " Emma honey, I have a friend saying here for awhile, Regina you remember her right?" " Regina... as in Ms.Mills, yeah I remember her" " Yes her she's going through some things and needs a place to stay, so she well be starting with us for awhile" "ok mom, where is she now" Emma said looking around for her " She went mom to get a few more things she needed, while she is gone can you get the guest room ready?" snow asked " sure mom" Emma said jumping up to fix the room up.

Emma was all done with the room, all she had lot do move a big box under into the closet. " what does she have in this thing" Emma asked to herself. Emma tried again this time with all her might, she lifted up the box and started moving with she heard someone hum. She turned her head and say a women leaning against the door frame. "My my my, you snake have changed a lot" " Ms.Mills?" " Emma... call me Regina" Emma looked over Regina and was in awe at all the beauty she saw. Perfect curves, long tanned legs in tight jeans the hugged her ass , the perfect amount of cleavage in her tight beep red V-nicked shirt, Emma just starred and couldn't stop. " See something you like?" Regina smirked as she pushed herself off the door and swayed her way to Emma. " mmmmm... wow Regina you look stunning" Emma smiled " Thank you dear, you aren't so bad yourself. Do you work out?" " Yeah I do, I'm not the schools soccer team, kinda sad this is my last year." Emma signed " Well Emma this might be your last year but remember you can always play other things after school" Regina winked " SHE IS SAYING WHAT I THINK SHES SAYING" Emma thought to herself. She just smiled at Regina. Regina slowly put her arms around Emma and hugged her talking in the sweet scent of cinnamon, Emma soon hugged back taking in the sweet scent of apples and vanilla which soon became her favorite scent. They soon pulled away and Emma said bye before leaving the room so Regina get settle down.

After dinner snow washed the dishes and went to bed because it was nearing 10 pm. Leaving Regina and Emma alone in the living room watch a movie. Every once in a while Emma who take glances at Regina thinking she won't noticed, but she did and she loved having the blonde watch her. Regina turned her head and brown eyes locked on green and they both instantly melted. They both slowly moved in and soon their lips meet in a breathtaking passionate kiss. They both swear they saw sparks as their lips moved in a passionate danced, after about 2 minutes they pulled away for air. " wow" they whispered in unison before Regina came back into reality and jumped away from Emma. " No, Emma we can't do this, Snow is my best friend and your mother, we can't do this." Regina stressed " I know, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I'm so sorry Regina." Emma said tearing up before running up stairs in her room. That night Emma and Regina couldn't sleep they were to busy thinking about that kiss and how they can never do it again.

Emma woke up at 7:30am to the smell of pancakes and jumped out of bed and ran out of her room and bumped into someone, falling on them and got a face full of boob. Regina groaned as she saw Emma on top of her. " On my gosh, Regina I'm so sorry" Emma rushed got up helping Regina up too, " Emma, it's fine I'm ok, no harm done" Regina smiled. They locked eyes, they doth got lost in other eyes and was pulled out by Snow yelling that food was ready. " oh well I better go, I love pancakes can't let them get cold" Emma laughed as she walked away. " she is something else, why can't I get her out my head" Regina asked to herself. Soon after Regina Ames her way down stairs in a beautiful tight black breed that stopped mid-tight and some black heeled boots. Emma stared in awe at Regina, Regina notions blushed before she went to the table and got her a plate of pancakes and a apple.

Emma: Ruby!! Guess what happened?

Ruby: What Swan? What's wrong?

Emma: Nothing is wrong..... but do you remember that lady I told you about? Regina... you say you was smoking hot.

Ruby: yeah the babe with the short brown hair and killer body. Why?

Emma: She's here in my house!!! AND LAST NIGHT WHY FUCKING KISSED


Emma: The kind that puts you head over heals Ruby! I swear I saw sparks, Ruby! It was the best kiss of my life

Ruby: Emma OMG GURL!....... wait isn't she like your Moms best friend or something?

Emma: mmmm.... yeah but Ruby she's so hot 😩 why couldn't she just be some random person I met.

Ruby: I don't know man, that sucks. What happen after you kissed?

Emma: First we doth were in awe, then she jumped up and said we couldn't do it because she was my moms bestie

Ruby: awwwww.... that really sucks man I'm sorry

Emma: it's fine I guess, well I have to go Red BYE

Ruby: Bye Em, talk to you later

After texting Ruby, Emma went for a run which she did a lot to clear her mind. Emma was running in short shorts and a sports bra, she was all sweaty we she cam back home. Walking through the door her eyes instantly landed on Regina. Regain looked up say but her lip as she say Emma standing there half naked and sweaty she wanted so badly to see all of Emma. Regina got up and walked to her swaying her hips, as she reached Emma she put her hand on her waist and pulled Emma in for a kiss. As the kiss got heated Emma put her hands on Regina's ass and gave it a squeeze, Regina moaned and pulled away before she got to in to the kiss. They soon heard a scream for behind and they both turned to see Snow standing there and...........

Hahahahaha CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!
Wait for the next chapter to see why snow screamed! 😈😈😈😈😈😈
Did she see them in their heat if passion?
Did she hurt herself?

Come back next time to see what happens!
Love you all ❤️

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