Finding Me

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Yo, my name is Alicia and this is my crew. This Puerto Rican chicka over here is Mia: Hola!! And this shy, African American beauty in the corner is Jasmine: Hello. Also on the couch you'll find Rico: Aye! And Terrell: Sup? Yep and last but most definitely not least there's me a mixed Black and Puerto Rican: Yo







OK so more about me well my name is Alicia. You've met my friends. Like I said I'm mixed and well........







Actually that's sort of the problem. When I was younger I hung with Blacks and Hispanics but now that I'm older there's more pressure being put on me to choose between my heritage. I'm soooo confused and to be honest I'm really not sure who I am any more.







Narator: Join Alicia on her journey through the mishaps of school, life, trust and friendship. As she makes her way to finding the truth about who to trust, she will also learn the answer to the most important question of all.......... Who am I?







A/N: OK so in the past I have made many failed attempts to write non-fiction books but this is my first story so please vote and give me lots of feedback and most of all give me a chance. Comment if you would like me to continue!!!!!!!

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