how the hell am I gonna do this?

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Peach POV
I was sitting at the end of the bed , trying not to get distracted and replaying the lines I would have the guts to say to Zach. Will I be brave enough? Will I look him in his eyes without being weaken by everything about him? Will I be strong enough and not let myself fooled again by his smile? Will I tell him? My voices wouldn't shut up. I keep telling myself that I have to do this , it's the best for me and perhaps for him.
Two tears started running down my cheek .
"You can do this" I whisper to myself as I wipe my eyes.
I can hear the front door opening and some voices , I can recognise Zach's voice and Jesse's .
Of course.
I walk slowly towards the living room's door so I can open it and welcome the 2 boys , but something stops me .
I'm just staying in the door watching every move they make through the little space that it's open. They don't even know that I'm here .
I see Jesse making Zach heart eyes and Zach smiling. Tears start drowning my face as I watch them carefully.
I just needed to make sure that I'm not a psycho that thinks her boyfriend is still in love with his bandmate and ex boyfriend.
I was so fucking stupid , how in the world could I think his feelings are changed and he's finally over?
I try to wipe my tears but they are still falling and I can't help it.
I'm so bored of giving him every piece of me , and not reciving anything in change . He's fucking ruining me and I can do nothing about it cause I love him too much. How in the world am I gonna look straight into his brown warm eyes and break up with him? and a beacuse of his feelings for Jesse. He robbed my heart
and then he never gave it back to me , so what am I supposed to do? To wait? for how more ? He needs to get his shit together and fucking tell me that he's still in love with Jesse and I'm just his little puppet to play around with.
I lay on one side of the bed with my face straight to one of the walls trying to focus on my next move, I can't be the only one fighting for our relationship anymore , can I?

//I won't be your cry baby// Zach Abels fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now