Chapter 18

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The time was around noon, telling from how high the sun was up in the sky. It was getting a little hotter, at least up to the eighties, but nothing you couldn't handle.

While you were all walking, Claire broke the silence, insisting we head back to Raccoon City, towards a certain diner she said she had first arrived at. You asked why, she responded with lots of reasons. It would be safe there to rest and talk about future plans, and it was a diner, which meant food. You were hesitant to step back into the city, loads of undead could still be lingering around, it would still be dangerous for Sherry. Yet you were exhausted, and Sherry was exhausted, telling from how she let out quiet yawns once in a while.

Claire led the path, Sherry still holding onto her hand. The trip was almost an hour by foot, but you didn't mind. The pain from before had oddly vanished, leaving behind a bit of soreness you could handle. Maybe your body was just in shock, you weren't sure, but you were glad enough. You took the time to look at the scenery around you, enjoying the look of nature. Without the corpses.

The diner was packed with overturned motorcycles, slightly old fashioned cars, and dirt-caked work trucks with faintly scratched company names on the sides. Some trucks had bloody handprimts on the door handles, probably survivors or infected people trying to get into their vehicles for escape. It was obvious they didn't survive. The windows of the diner were still decent, one or two held faint cracks from what appeared to be rocks thrown at the glass. You couldn't see inside, the blinds were shut. The door handles were bloody, but it was dried blood. Which said something good. Nothing recent came by.

"So, this is where Leon found you?" You began to speak, watching Claire slowly open the door, making sure the bell overhead didn't ring too loudly. "Sort of, yeah. He shot a zombie that was about to get me, Leon saved my life." Claire pointed her gun around, looking for any sign of corpses around. "Looks good." She held the door open for the rest to walk in.

The diner looked better than you expected. The bar was made of oak wood, darker than the floors, polished fairly well with faint scratches. The red bar stools looked new as well, maybe this place got renovated. The tables were made of wood as well, including the booth seats. The lights were still on, telling from the pink neon sign overhead behind the counter. It was a mess however, crashed plates and broken cups littered the ground. Empty bottles of beer and soda overturned on the tables, plates with bits of food still remained. Poor souls enjoying meals were unaware of the outside chaos. Until it was too late. Blood pools were in some places, some splattered on the tables and ground. It was dried and sticky, like stepping in old soda.

Claire walked behind the counter, searching for any bodies behind that may have been hiding. "It's all empty, maybe they left in a hurry."

"Yeah, at least it's safe right?" You shrugged, looking around to double check. The pools of blood contained streak marks leading to the door that headed to an alley. You didn't feel comfortable with that door, anything could be on the other side. Zombies, eating the sad corpses of unlucky folk. Lickers, stalking the walls like patient lizards. You didn't want to find out.

You grabbed the nearest item that looked sturdy enough, a blue paint chipped metal broom. You slid it through the handles, testing to make sure it would stay shut. "There. That makes me feel a little better."

"Good idea (Y/N), I think that's the only other exit in this building. Power's still good, let's say we cook some lunch?" Claire offered, leaning against a clean part of the counter. Sherry slowly climbed up on a tall bar stool, spinning slightly with the rotating seat. "You hungry, Sherry?" You asked, walking over to her. She looked up and nodded. "Mhm!"

"(Y/N)? Wanna come help cook?"

"Um.. sure, why not?" You weren't great with food, but Claire looked like she could be a decent teacher. You followed Claire towards the kitchen, watching her push open the door. Claire stopped midway and turned her head. "You mind keeping Sherry company Leon?"

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