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~this actually isn't boyf riends but still i wanted to write it~

"We are going into a lockdown, I repeat, we are going into a lockdown."

The class was confused, they never went into a lockdown. Unless if it was something REALLY bad. Like a school shooter. Though those never happened around here at this school. One of the kids suggested something. It was a tall, chubby kid with a red hoodie.

"What if there is a school shooter? Or an escaped patient from the Insane Asylum." 

That could be true, there was an Insane Asylum like a half an hour away. 

One of the girls froze, Brooke was the name of that girl. She did not like the sound of a school shooter in her school. She- or her friends- could die! "What if its really a school shooter?!?! Or an escaped pa-"

"Calm down Brooke." Another girl said, Chloe was the name of this girl.

"I'm pretty sure its not a school shooter." Heads turned towards the kid next to Michael.

Jeremy Heere, one of the "nerds" or "losers" as people called him.

"Then what is it?" Another one said. A small male sitting next to another male, but almost as tall as Jeremy. 

"It actually could be-"

Their whispering was cut shortly when the whole group heard lockers being banged on, and laughing.

The smallest, Rich Goranski, jumped and clung to the person next to him, Jake Dillinger

The banging was getting louder. This caused a panic attack from one of the kids.//I have no experience with people who have panic attacks, Sorry!//

Michael was shaking, violently. His friend, Jeremy, tried to calm him down. It slowly started to work, but the panic attack got better but another bag got even worse.


There was a knock at the door. By this time some of the girls were scared out of their minds. Brooke was freaking out, Chloe and Jenna trying to calm her down so the person didn't find out they were in there. It failed due to another student, Christine yelping when they heard a voice.

"LET ME IN!" followed by insane laughter.

Christine and Brooke screamed, Though Christine screamed, "GO AWAY!" While sobbing. The tallest male was still trying to calm down his friend, soon crying as well. 

"C-calm down-" The teacher was cut off.

"I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! LET ME IN!" The shouts were sounding angrier by the second. And it terrified the whole group.  

Michael was still having a really bad panic attack, still shaking violently and crying. 

Jeremy was freaking out inside his head, one, the insane person, two, his friend was having a panic attack right in front of his eyes.

Chloe was hugging Jenna and Brooke, really afraid. 

Christine was full out sobbing. She couldn't stop. No one could stop her.

Rich was shaking, though being hugged by Jake who tried to calm him down.

Brooke was afraid, hugging Chloe and being in the warmth of Chloe and Jenna.

Jenna was afraid. She was afraid her friends would get hurt- or worse- she would get hurt.

"LET ME IN!" Cue evil laughter. 

The shouting stopped, as the group of about 6 or 7 continued to either cry, have a panic attack, scream or stay silent.

Stomping went down the hall as the banging against lockers continued, it slowly fading. 

The loud speaker spoke as soon as no one could hear stomping, banging or yelling from the hall.

"The lockdown is over, You can go back to teaching." The voice said, though continuing.

"Keep all doors unlocked until the end of school."

The teacher got up and kept the door unlocked, but instead of teaching, the teacher tried to calm down their students. It worked...kinda. 

Michael's panic attack had stopped, Christine was still afraid, Brooke and Jenna were okay now, Rich, surprisingly was asleep in Jake's arm, Chloe was looking around, making sure nothing was around. 

The rest of that class was filled with jokes, texts, phones, and movies.


Ah, I finished it, finally! Anyway, i have to go to bed now. Its almost six am! Have a good day/night!

~word count: 697 words!~ 


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