~Heat Haze Days~

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"You've been dying for the past ten years."
Jeremy sighed, he had woken up again. The same day, same time, same ending. 12:30 pm, August Fifteen. The same sickening day. He sighed, sliding out of his bed. "The same day, and the same fate. Time to go find Michael." He spoke.

"We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear."
He starts nearing the same boring old park. Same park as always, two swings, a slide, and one of those merry go rounds. Michael wasn't here yet, which was surprising. Michael was always here first.

"But a story is a story all the same."
In the distance he could see his friend walking towards the park, a cat in his hand. He always brought that cat around, the same damn cat that keeps fucking causing this. Jeremy said nothing, though.

"And today like any has an ending so to say."
The two started to talk about the normal stuff, what happened at school. It was always about how Jake and Rich got together, the same boring old talk. He knew all about it, it happened every... day.

"Far away and beyond that scorching summer day...."
Michael's cat had ran away, and Michael had ran after it. Jeremy followed, of course. He noticed the car coming quickly. He had little time to act, seeing as Michael was now on the road. He ran forward, throwing Michael onto the sidewalk.

"Crashing in and hitting me instead of you."
The truck was getting closer, it was too late. Michael was safe, but he couldn't do anything for his friend. The truck ran into Jeremy, a loud piercing scream coming from Jeremy.

"I push you aside to nearly dodge a truck."
Michael stared at the scene in front of him, it was terrible. His friend was just hit by a truck, there was blood everywhere. Jeremy's bones were peaking out of his arms, he doesn't know how to react.

"Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair."
The boy now laid on the road, a puddle of blood surrounding him now. His hair in the red, soaked now. Jeremy had gone unconscious, laying on the floor, bleeding out. Michael choked, a small sob escaping.

"You breathe in a gulp of air and just can't take it!"
Michael let out loud sobs, staring in terror. He had just lost his friend, his friend, his fucking crush, best friend for life. Why, why did this have to happen, why to him? He fell to the floor, the only sound in the area were his sobs. The truck driver had got out and tried to save the boy.

"Are these lies?"
This was just a dream, this wasn't real. Michael tried to convince himself. This wasn't real, Jeremy wasn't dead, he was alive. He. Was. Alive. He... wasn't dead. Michael couldn't accept this, it was too much, this was too much.

"I haven't heard him say, 'what you see is exactly what you're gonna get'"
A small smile planted on Jeremy's face as he laid on the ground, the last thing he saw was the heat haze. The Squip, or a copy of the squip. It had told him, mocked him, and probably kept the cycles going on and on. He was happy Michael was safe.

"Maybe this summer day has finally gone away."
Michael stayed there, sobbing. He couldn't accept this. He wouldn't accept this. A copy of him, or a squip version of him appeared next to him, looking towards Jeremy's unconscious body, a small smile on his face. 

"But that's all I say so this is were it ends now!"
Michael looked at his body once more, before the squip snapped. He felt tired, really tired. Michael soon fell on his stomach, falling unconscious. A couple of seconds later, Michael woke up at home, holding his cat. It... wasn't real... was it? Time to find out, he slid out of bed, a bad feeling in his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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