Not Subtle

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Magnus picked through the glass bottles sitting on his counter before deciding on the oldest one. His favorite, of course. A 1917 merlot. After all, he had to be at his best. He had met someone. A boy. Not just any boy, but the most perfect one. His hair, darker than a starless night. His eyes, as blue as where the sun hits the sea. And his body, well, he was a Shadowhunter. I'm sure you can imagine. Magnus definitely could.

"Alec Lightwood," he had said when Magnus asked his name. "Well, technically, my name is Alexander, but everyone calls me Alec."

"Alexander," Magnus had said, feeling the name roll off his tongue. "I like that."
Magnus thought it was cute when Alec blushed.

He had invited Alec over to discuss "business," but he had other plans. As he boiled, sautéed, stirred, and served, Magnus couldn't stop thinking about how big of a risk he was taking. He had won over Shadowhunters before, but Alec seemed like the kind of person who didn't take any shit from anyone.

This will be difficult. Magnus thought.

Alec had a feeling that when Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, invited him over by himself to discuss business, he probably had something up his sleeve. Nevertheless, Alec did not expect to see what he saw when he walked into Magnus' apartment.

There was a large table in the dining room, capable of seating at least sixteen. This table was set with two places. The two seats in the middle of the table. Two candles and a single flower sat in between. The whole scene seemed a little... intimate for business.

"Hungry?" Magnus asked. Alec nodded.

"Please, have a seat," Magnus said as he shut the door behind Alec. Alec sat on one side of the table while Magnus fumbled around in the kitchen. All of a sudden, two full wine glasses appeared on the table. Alec rolled his eyes.

Trying to show off, I'm sure, Alec thought. Making sure I'll accept his deal or something. Or maybe he's just lazy.

Magnus came out of the kitchen carrying two bowls of what looked like pasta with shrimp. He set one down in front of Alec and one on the other side, sitting down in front of it.

"I do hope you eat seafood, I'm terribly sorry. I forgot to ask," Magnus apologized.

"No, no, it's fine. I love shrimp." Alec reassured him.

"Oh, good." Magnus took a sip of wine.

The two were silent for a bit while they ate their pasta. When Alec was finished he decided to strike up a conversation. He didn't want to sit in silence anymore.

"So, what business did you want to discuss, exactly?"

Magnus put his fork down.

"Well, it's sort of complicated."

Alec was wary and curious at the same time.

"Is it Shadowhunter business?"

"Sort of," Magnus answered. "It involves Shadowhunters."

"Does it involve the Clave or the Institute? Because if it does, I'm not the person you want to talk to."

"No, it does not involve them. This situation isn't as large and not nearly as complicated."

Magnus may have fibbed a bit on that last part. It was definitely as complicated, possibly even more. He had no idea what would happen if the Clave found out about a Downworlder dating a Shadowhunter. Hell, he didn't even know for sure if Alec was gay or not.

The two boys sat in silence for longer than either of them would have liked to. They finished their food and cleaned up, all without saying a word to each other. Both of them had realized they hadn't actually discussed the "business" Magnus was talking about, but Alec wasn't eager to stay any longer. He grabbed his coat off the coat rack by the front door and left with a muttered "see ya."

Magnus finished the bottle of wine.

The next morning Magnus awoke with a headache that was both physical and emotional. He was weighed down with a hangover as well as the guilt from the night before. Guilt? Was that what it was?

Alec woke up feeling like he was covered in something. He didn't know what, but he knew a shower wouldn't wash it off. He picked up his phone and found a text from Magnus.

From: Magnus
Sorry about last night.

Alec knew exactly then what he was covered in. Guilt and shame. He had known exactly what 'business' Magnus wanted to discuss, but showed no indication. He was even willing to discuss it with him, but he couldn't build up the courage. He texted Magnus back.

To: Magnus
How did you get my number?

Alec expected for some bullshit excuse like "I got it from your sister" or something along the lines of that. Instead, he got something much worse.

From: Magnus
I'm a warlock.

Like that's supposed to explain something? Alec thought. He rolled his eyes, but hesitantly typed a reply.

To: Magnus
I know it didn't seem like it, but I really did enjoy last night, despite how awkward it was.

Alec waited, too long, it seemed, for a reply. He knew he had made the wrong decision. He was heading for a shower when his phone dinged.

From: Magnus
I did too.

Alec smiled and quickly sent a reply.

To: Magnus
We should do it again sometime.

From: Magnus

Not Subtle: A Collection Of Malec OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now