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A/N The song attached is what inspired this oneshot. Haunt - Bastille

It had been a few months. It felt like a few moments to Magnus. He still missed him. As much as he wished for him, he would never come back.

Magnus hadn't left the apartment. He didn't have the energy or motivation to answer any messages. He never spoke. So many people had been over to check on him. Dot, Ragnor, even Izzy and Jace. He was sad. He was drunk. He was alone.

Magnus heard a short knock on his apartment door.

"Magnus?" A muffled voice punctured his thoughts. He pulled the covers over his head, but not before slipping Alec's pillow under with him. It still smelled like him.

"Magnus?" The voice was louder. He could tell they had entered his apartment. He heard his bedroom door open and dreaded what was about to come. "How're you doing?"

Magnus had been through this conversation every day for five months, and he was sick of it. He was sick of people trying to help him, and he wished they would leave him alone. He stayed quiet.

"I brought you some soup." Dot was gentle. She had been gentle for the last five months. Nothing had changed. "I'll, uh... leave it here."

Dot set the Tupperware full of soup on Magnus' bedside table and left. Magnus was once again alone.

"She's just trying to help."

Magnus didn't believe it. Overactive imagination. Loneliness. Grief. His mind was lying to him.

Magnus sat up slowly, clinging hard to Alec's pillow.


Magnus couldn't believe it.

"But... you... you're dead." Magnus' voice was raspy from being dormant for five months.


"How are you here?"

"Oh, it's complicated. But what really matters is that I'm here."


It was a dream. Magnus had fallen asleep after Dot left. None of this was real. Magnus let go of Alec's pillow so he could grab the real Alec. Real? Was he real? Magnus didn't care. He was here. He was with him.

"I have something very important to discuss with you."

"And what is that?"

"Do you remember when you were with Camille, and she pulled you back from that bridge? That hole you were stuck in?"

"Of course, but--"

"You don't have anyone to pull you back."

Magnus stared at Alec.

"Y-yes I do. I have Dot and Izzy--"

"But they won't be able to help. It's been five months and you are exactly the same. You need to realize that you can live without me."

"But I can't live without you." Magnus started to tear up.

"Maybe not, but you need to try to. Magnus, I love you, but I hate to see you like this, especially because of me. I know you can move on. And I will always be here, whether you're sad, or frustrated, or really proud, tell me about it. I'd love to listen."

Magnus put his head in his hands and cried. Hard. He felt a familiar hand on the small of his back, a kiss on his head, then nothing. He looked up and wiped his eyes. He was alone again.


Izzy ran toward the accessorized, glitter-clad warlock she hadn't seen out of his apartment for five months. The two were swarmed by Jace, Clary, even Simon throwing greetings and comfort at Magnus.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Each Shadowhunter was either worried, surprised, happy, or all three. The Institute was abuzz as the group spoke to Magnus. Then, for the first time in five months, he spoke.

"I pulled myself back."

Not Subtle: A Collection Of Malec OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now