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Magnus Bane was making drinks behind the counter at Starbucks, his campus job. He typically was at 3:00 on Thursdays. His shift started at 1:30, right after his last class of the day. After his 4 and a half hour shift, he was able to go back to his dorm and relax. Magnus always had the room to himself, since his roommate had been kicked out of school. It didn't surprise Magnus, either. In the rare occasion his roommate wasn't out getting drunk, he was passed out in his bed. Magnus learned to ignore him, then one day the school told him he was by himself. Today, however, when he got back to his dorm, there was a boy taking up the usually empty bed. He sat with his laptop on his lap and a textbook or two flipped open on his bed.

"Can I help you?" Magnus asked the boy. He was obviously settled in. The bedside table was scattered with pencils, the small bookshelf was full, and the closet was no longer empty.

"Oh, sorry, I'm your new roommate," the boy stated. "Did they not tell you I was coming?"

"Not that I know of." Magnus threw himself and his bag onto his bed and pulled out his laptop. He opened his email, and sure enough, an unread email from the school was sitting at the top of the page.

"I stand corrected," Magnus said as he closed his laptop. He stood up and strode over to the boy, sticking his hand out. "Magnus."

The boy took Magnus' hand. "Alec."

"Pleasure to meet you, Alec." Magnus walked over to the small fridge by his desk and pulled out a bottle of water. He was a thirsty bitch, after all. "So, what are you majoring in? If you don't mind my asking."

"Not at all. I'm majoring in law and minoring in business," Alec said, closing his laptop, then the two books. "You?"

"Undecided." Magnus flopped on his bed, facing Alec. "I've kind of got an interest in everything. I think I might be leaning more towards business, something like PR and marketing, perhaps."


"So, did you transfer from another college, or were you taking time off?"

"I was enrolled in a community college, but realized it wasn't really what I needed, so I transferred here."

"Where was this community college?"


"What a coincidence," Magnus said, pulling out his phone. "I hail from Brooklyn as well. I was just going to run and grab a snack. Do you want anything?"

Magnus left as soon as Alec shook his head. He slipped into the hall, out of the housing building, and across campus to the dining hall. Once Magnus arrived, he sat in a chair by the window and frantically typed a message.

To: Dot

Magnus anxiously waited a reply, tapping his foot and glancing over to the Cinnabon kiosk where the CinnaBabies (you know, the ones that come with a little container of that heavenly white sugary substance they call cream cheese icing?) were calling his name.

Magnus' phone dinged, pulling his attention away from the small bites of cinnamon-sugar goodness.

From: Dot
Which hot person has your attention this time?

To: Dot
My new roommate. He seems really nice, too.

From: Dot
Yikes. I'm praying for you.

From: Dot
Also, I'm still laughing at your contact name.

To: Dot
"Freewheeling Bisexual ;)" is no laughing matter. What would be funny is "That Bitch Who Can't Stay On His Diet" because that Cinnabon is staring me in the fucking face.

Not Subtle: A Collection Of Malec OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now