Chapter 2

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After a pleasurable dinner and a shower, Kali got in her PJ's and went to bed. It was nothing out of the ordinary that night, as the light of the full moon shined bright through Kali's window. It wasn't until about twelve-am, when Kali was suddenly woken up by a siren that had gone off. 

"What's going on?" Kali asked Gromit from across the hall. 

"Here we go again" Gromit sighed as the launch was about to start. 

A trap door behind Kali's bed opened up, which surprised her. The bed then trusted backwards with Kali still in it, sending her down a slide. Kali slid down the slide followed by Wallace and Gromit, as they got suited up for their mission. Kali got her own cap and jumpsuit uniform in her favorite color yellow. Wallace and Gromit were given coffee to drink while Kali was given water, as she didn't like coffee. 

"Ah thanks Wallace, this is great" Kali said, liking her yellow jumpsuit. 

"That's just the beginning" Wallace told the tomboy. 

All three of them slid down another slide and into the car seat, as they were lifted up into the van. Kali turned around to the back of the van to see all the gadgets and stuff used for the mission. Wallace letted Kali pick out which gadget they were gonna use to catch this pest. 

"Awesome!" she remarked. Wallace started up the van and the trio drove off down the street, heading towards the location of the pest.

"So what exactly are we protecting the town from?" Kali asked Wallace. Since it was night she assumed it had to be nocturnal, like an owl or something. 

"Oh it's the worse kind of pest to our vegetables" Wallace replied. 

The trio soon arrived at the location as they barrel rolled out of the van, sneaking up to the fence like ninjas. Wallace looked to Gromit giving him a signal. Gromit got out a sack and nodded to his master. Gromit then swiftly jumped over the fence, bagging the pest while Wallace and Kali burst through the gate like superheroes. 

"You got him Gromit!" Kali cheered to the beagle. But the critter was surprisingly strong, it started dragging Gromit around the garden. 

"Reel'em in lad. To me! to me!" Wallace told his dog. 

"Wow, whatever it is it sure is strong" Kali thought, watching poor Gromit trying not to get too dirty. 

Gromit was able to steer the pest over to Wallace and he caught it with one of those animal catcher pole things. "Gotcha! thieving monster!" Wallace said. 

Kali then removed the sack, revealing a little rabbit with a giant pumpkin. She was a little surprised. "Seriously, how did I not see this coming?" Kali asked herself. This situation then strangely reminded the adventure girl of her friend Peter Rabbit. 

All the commotion had woken the owners, the Mulch's, and Mrs Mulch came rushing outside to her prized pumpkin. 

"Oh my prized pumpkin, you saved it Anti-Pesto" Mrs Mulch thanked Wallace. 

"All in a night's work Mrs Mulch" Wallace replied. 

"It was nothing at all" Kali added with a smile, while Gromit straightened out his hat.

"Cute little fella ain't he? you'd never think they could cause so much damage" Mr Mulch inspected the rabbit. 

"Oh he may look innocent sir, but left to their own devices this is the ultimate vegetable destroying machine" Wallace said as he took the rabbit and placed it in a cage in the back of the van.  

"Mission accomplished" Kali said as she got back in the van. 

Wallace patted Gromit and Kali both on the head. "Job well done you two, hmmhmm" he said. The trio then drove off while the townspeople cheered for them. 

"So what do you plan on doing with him?" Kali asked while looking back at the caged rabbit. Wallace explained how whenever they caught a rabbit they'd take it back home and keep them in pens down in the basement. The gang soon arrived home, put the rabbit in basement with all the others, and went back to bed.

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