Chapter 6

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The next morning Kali woke up in the basement where she had passed out. 

She could've sworn it was all just a nightmare, as she remembered Hutch's cage breaking. Then she remembered dreaming about a giant rabbit terrorizing the town and eating everyone's vegetables. 

This was all so strange. Kali came back upstairs to find all the alarms going off, Gromit soon joined.

The two looked at each other puzzled. Gromit went into the kitchen to find out why the alarms didn't wake them up last night, Kali followed. They found the pot on the stove, which turned on the alarm, had been removed. No wonder the alarm system didn't go off, someone must have moved the kettle. They both then looked over to the fridge to find that half of the cheese was gone, like someone had eaten it.

"Wallace?" the two of them thought, a little confused. 

"Nah, ya think?" Kali looked towards Gromit. 

Just then the service bell rang, which meant Wallace was awake. Gromit didn't hesitate to pull the assistant lever this time. 

"Morning you two" Wallace smiled to them while the machine got him dressed. "A pest free night" he continued, before he noticed all the alarms going off. "Per... Chance?" 

"See for yourself" Kali said, while Gromit gave Wallace the newspaper. 

"Lommy day" Wallace was in shock when he read the morning paper. 

Later the trio was at the church, where the whole town had gathered for a meeting about what exactly happened last night. 

"Simmer down, Simmer down now! Right one at a time if you please" The Constable started. 

"We pay good money for our crop protection!" one woman snapped at Wallace. 

"If you can't deliver the goods maybe you should keep your traps shut!" another man groused, while the townspeople continued to argue. 

"That's enough, That's enough! Look this flippin' vegetable competition causes nothing but trouble every year. If you ask me, this was Arson" The Constable said. 

"Arson?" the townspeople asked.

"Aye someone arsin around, that's right one of you lads, a man" The Constable proclaimed. 

The crowd grew restless.

"This was no man!" everyone heard a voice, they turned around to see the vicar of the church enter the room. 

"Does a man have teeth the size of axe blades? Or ears like terrible tombstones?" The Vicar continued as he came up to the constable. "By tampering with nature, forcing vegetables to swell far beyond their natural size, we have brought a terrible judgment upon ourselves". 

This made Kali think, it had to be extremely bad for whatever the vicar was talking about.

"And for our sins, a hideous creature has been sent to punish us all! Repent! Repent! Lest you to taste the wrath of, "THE WERE-RABBIT!" The Vicar cried out, while everyone gasped horrified. 

Wallace, Gromit, and Kali all gulped and looked at each other nervously.

The crowd started to panic. "What's to become of the vegetable show?!" one of them shouted.   

"We live for that competition, it's all we have, who will save us!?" another woman pleaded. Just then a loud gunshot was heard, everyone turned to the door to see it was Victor Quartermaine and his dog Philip. 

"A were-rabbit? oh come come now. I do believe the vicar's been to the communion wine again" he chuckled inconsiderately. "What we're dealing with here is no supernatural rabbit, it's a big fellow perhaps? But a mortal creature of flesh and blood, a matter easily dealt by a hunter" Victor said while pointing his gun at the townspeople, which scared them.  

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