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His kingdom lay sprawled before him. Victory. What he had worked so hard to gain. The crown he had fished out from the mud and the bodies had been covered in specks of blood and gore but he hadn't cared. It was his and his alone. He had no plans to let it go to anyone. It would go on to his descendants and his achievement would be sung by bards, embroidered on tapestries and passed on from king to king. And he would be the first, the founder of the worlds greatest dynasty.

The horrors of the past were so gutting that the people still sidled past with terrified looks. He needed to help them forget. Help them to move on. He had to do it too. His mind buzzed with ideas. He was scared that all his efforts would come to nothing. A rebellion would destroy the people and would scare them back to whatever hellhole they had come from.

Askan turned away and decided. He needed a Queen. His kingdom needed a Queen.


So this is my first story and I hope you all will like it. My chapters will be short but I'll update quickly! 

Keep reading my friends.

May the stars watch over you.


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