Muddy Muslins

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"I know right? I was so surprised myself. Duke Mazlot's daughter married to a blacksmiths boy? Unbelievable."

"How did it happen?"

"They say that it was love." Alena sighed and looked dreamily out the window.

"Love? Only the fools love."

"Love does tend to make us foolish."

"Love is not the sweet pure thing of poetry's and songs. It is a monster. People do the vilest things in the name of love."

"Only you Madam Desdemona would think this way. Every good thing in the world is evil in your eyes."

Desdemona looked sullen for a moment but then cheered up again by Alena's announcement that there was to be a superb stew this evening. There was to be a grand ball arranged by Desdemona's father. He loved company (which Desdemona hated) and was known for his extravagant arrangements. The whole house had received a good scrubbing down. Desdemona saw no point in this as the house was usually sparkling but the servants insisted on it. They had worked hard and Desdemona had felt tremendously guilty when she had entered the front hall with her muddy boots. A maid had actually burst into tears. Feeling alarmed Desdemona had grabbed a mop and tried to wipe away the dirt which had invoked further misery. Miss Pot, the housekeeper, had led away the hysterical maid and had calmed her down while Desdemona had fled to her room carrying the offensive boots.

"How many times do I have to ask you to wear a bonnet or at least a hat? Your hair is nothing short of a wild animal." Alena asked while trying to pull Desdemona's uncooperative hair into a complicated style. Desdemona gulped and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Uhh..What am I wearing?"

Alena snorted.

"The light blue muslin."

"The light blue muslin?! The very new one you had made for me a few days ago?"

A look of horror slowly crept on Alena's face and she quickly ran towards the huge wardrobe and flung it open. It did not contain any light blue muslin dress and a very furious and very wild Alena made her way back to Desdemona.

"Where is it?"


"Where is it?"

"I might have-" Desdemona's voice trailed off.

"If you do not tell this this instant where it is daughter of a duke or not I will strangle you."

At this point Alena was shaking with anger and Desdemona decided that it was much better for her health if she told her where it was.

"Under the bed." she said carefully.

Alena looked stunned for a second and then quickly took out the poor dress.

It was no longer a beautiful blue colour. It had been splattered from top to bottom with mud and was torn in several places. Desdemona took a step back and put a chair between them. But Alena had calmed down by the sight of the dress.

"The ball is in two hours." she said.

"Can you fix it?" Desdemona asked hopefully.

Alena glared at her.

"No. This beautiful dress is beyond repair. I worked so hard on it. What happened to it?"

"Would you believe me if I said that when the clock struck midnight my dress woke up and went for a walk?"

Alena raised an eyebrow.

"I thought not. Yes well ... I was walking towards the east garden yesterday, planning to sit there and read. The gardener had just sprayed something in the grounds that made my head spin so I decided to walk to the small hill on the edge of the estate."

"You decided to walk there? Are you mad? It's miles away!"

"I wanted exercise! Plus, it was a very nice walk though a bit muddy. I couldn't understand why."

"There was a thunderstorm the night before! How could it not be muddy?"

"It had?"

"How could you have missed that?"

"I sleep like the dead, Alena. You know that. A horde of dancing people banging drums could have come in my room and I wouldn't have woken up."

"Is that how you got you ruined your dress? By rolling around in the mud?"

"Not really...I reached the hill and climbed up. Just as I had reached the top my foot got stuck in some sort of plant and I tumbled down and splashed right into a puddle. And that is how it got ruined. I am really really sorry Alena."

Alena sighed, resolving herself to the dress's fate. Besides this was to be expected of Madam Desdemona. She hadn't probably noticed what dress she had on.

"It is okay. I had another dress ready in case of a situation like this.

"You did?" Desdemona practically beamed. "You are a wonder, Alena."

"There is no need to pretend. You are the least bit interested about what you wear. Now let me finish your hair and then I will do some minor alterations to your dress. You will be ready within an hour for the ball."

Alena resumed making Desdemona's hair but with vicious tugs and soon her eyes were watering.

"Remind why I need to go to the ball."

"The food, Madam Desdemona."

"It is a highly motivational aspect."


I just watched Prince of Persia for the nth time. How amazing is it?

I feel bad for Alena. Desdemona is not an easy person to take care of.

Thank you for reading!

May the stars watch over you.


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