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Description: "I know this is all too much to take in, but please survive, at least for me. Lead a new life and be free from pain and suffering!"

Jesse was considered bad luck ever since her birth. Neglected by her father and losing her mother and brother in a supposed freak accident, she leads a lonely and bleak life. However, an assassination attempt on her life forces her to leave the confines of her castle to seek asylum.

Out there in the vast wilderness of the outside world, can she avoid her tragic (pathetic) fate, and discover the purpose of her existence?

The cat and mouse game between father and daughter begins.

Every little girl dreams of being a princess. They get to live in fancy castles, own luxury goods and eat exotic foods. They get to wear fashionable dresses and ride white horses through a private riding course. Of course, they would get to meet the prince of their dreams and live a life of a fairy tale. But in the end, fairy tales are labelled as fiction for a reason.

In reality, a princess is just the daughter of a king and queen. They are sold in the marriage market to a prince or king to bear his children. That is the role of a princess.

Sometimes Jesse had to wonder if common girls were happier despite their poorer upbringing. Sure, they have to live in tiny houses and work to earn their keep, but in the end they had freedom, and family and friends to rely on. She on the other hand, didn't.

What was the point of living in a large castle when the only family she had didn't even consider her family? What was the point of having luxurious meals when she had no company in the dining room? What was the point of wearing fancy dresses when she had nobody to impress?

What was the point of existing?

Everyday Jesse opened her eyes to welcome a new day of tedium. Wake up, wash up, eat, study, sleep, rinse and repeat. Sometimes she would play with her pet pig that she rescued from the streets, or hang out her servant friend, Axel. They would just play in the garden and admire the flora while observing wildlife that flocked the area. When she was alone, she would mostly bring a book here to read as the garden provided her with a sense of tranquility. It was the closest she could get to nature.

She could not remember the last time she left the castle walls. She used to sneak out with Axel when she was just a kid, but with the many academic responsibilities piling on her shoulders as she grew older, there was simply no more time to play.

Why was she studying so hard anyway? To look elegant and sophisticated when presented to her future fiance so that she could be married off. After all, a princess's purpose in life was to bear children. Nothing more, nothing less.


The kingdom of Abaddonia used to be a small, miniscule state that was caught up in the midst of four other major states in the region of Terra. Ares succeeded the throne after eliminating his political rivals, and formulated a plan to catch his rivals by surprise. He waited for the other states to defeat each other and formed an alliance with the victorious state, Caliphate. When Caliphate was having a nationwide celebration, Abaddon attacked and conquered Caliphate within two months. After the conquest he declared himself as the first king of Abaddonia, created the Abaddon dynasty and is currently the longest-surviving dynasty in the world.

Over the centuries, Abaddonia had gained generous amounts of power, wealth and respect. No other kingdom or state had dared to conquer Abaddonia, much less get on her bad side. She was known for her brutality against her enemies. The first and last rival kingdom that had dared to cross her, had their civilians massacred via mass bombing and prisoners-of-war tortured mercilessly.

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