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Axel had always joked about how birthdays symbolised one's impending death. As soon as Jesse approached him, he said, "In another week's time it'll be another year closer to your death."

"Well, not really. We can also die from other factors instead of old age. I like to think birthdays as a milestone for managing to stay alive." Jesse said.

"Huh. That's deep coming from a fourteen-year-old," Axel replied as he dipped the towel that he was using to clean a stone statue into a pail of dirty water. "Remember the time when there used to grand birthday celebrations held here? I sure don't. Not that I'm complaining, it's less work for me."

In the past, there would be luxurious parties thrown during a Royal's birthday. Many rulers and aristocrats far and wide would gather to the ballroom and celebrate with an endless supply of food and drink while either chatting with each other or enjoying the entertainment provided. After the disappearance of Jesse's mother and brother, the ballroom became a desolate and empty place.

"Yeah. But Olivia's visiting and we're gonna have a mini celebration as usual."

"That's good."

"Say, are you getting me something?" Jesse asked hopefully.

Axel paused from his cleaning. "Yup, but I don't want anyone to know. It's an extra special present that I saved up for many months. I'll tell you more about it later."

"Ah, really? You don't have to spend so much money on me. It's the thought that counts." Jesse said while shaking her hands in bashfulness. She felt bad for draining her friend's hard earned money, especially when he was only a low-ranking servant and his salary was measly.

"Nah it's fine. You're like, my only friend. I don't spend much on myself anyway."

"Really? Thanks a lot!"

Axel chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Anything for a friend."

At that moment, there was a holler from the senior staff. "Hey, stop slacking and get back to work!" Axel just scoffed while Jesse giggled and bid goodbye.

Jesse was about to turn fifteen in a week's time and she was beyond excited. It was the time that she was able to meet up with her friend, Olivia who currently resided in Redstonia, an island country. Due to Olivia's insanely busy schedule, they were only able to meet up annually. She was a sticker for her schedule, and if there was a slip up she would become fidgety and uncomfortable until she was back on track. It was not like she was a bad friend, it was just that the trip from Redstonia to Abaddonia was so tediously long, and she just didn't have the time to take so many vacations.

Jesse couldn't wait for Olivia to arrive so that they could catch up, eat some cake and have fun. But before that, she had to go through a mundane schedule of classes. For some reason, the days seemed to drag on longer whenever her birthday was coming up. Maybe the Goddess Of Time enjoyed prolonging her suffering. That is if gods truly existed.

As far as she knew, her mother was a strong believer in God. It seemed strange for a woman who firmly believed in science and logic to be religious. Her father, on the other hand, thought that it was bullshit and sometimes they would quarrel due to their difference in beliefs. Then again they were known for arguing together about everything, so it wasn't surprising.

Jesse continued walking through the lush green hedges. She suddenly stood still and waited for something or someone to appear.

"I found you. Come out now."

There was a whine, and a small pink piglet emerged from the hedges.

"Teehee. I win again Reuben."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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