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The chatter of her friends and the music coming from the TV filled Mina's ears, though she wasn't paying attention. Instead she was repeating Jonas's message in her head, over and over again countless times. Each time she became more and more disgusted with him.

Her eyes flickered to Eva's pale face and she watched her with pity. She must have been broken when she read it, Mina imagined the betrayal coarsing through Eva's veins and felt guilty. She was imagining one of her closest friends having their hearts shattered by the boy of her dreams.

There was no denying Mina was attracted to the tanned boy, but she would never expose that secret. Especially not to Eva.

"Are you okay?" Vilde asked, sitting beside Mina wrapped in one of many blankets they had sprawled on the bedroom floor. In attempts to make Eva feel better they had built a fort and gotten a supply of icecream that could last them through an apocalypse.

Mina smiled, "yeah. I'm just tired, stressful day." She wasn't lying. Her day had been stressful. Mina had flown to a different country, met the love of her life and witnessed a breakup in a matter of hours.

She hauled herself of the floor. Smiling at the young women who were lounging in various places around the fort, "I'm going to the kitchen if anyone wants anything." She offered, picking up her carton of ben and Jerry's -everyone knows ben and jerrys fixes broken hearts- and her spoon.

The hallway was brightly lit as she walked to the kitchen, being careful not to step on any broken glass that they may have missed whilst sweeping up.

The shuffling sound of someones feet on the wooden floor boards behind her made her jump, she wasn't expecting anyone to follow her.

"Are you okay? You've been distant for a while," Rosalie asked leaning against the marble counter, "and don't tell me you're fine. I know when you're lying."

Mina sighed, she knew that she could trust Rosalie with anything, and she wanted to tell her desperately. But Mina wasn't wanting to get anything off her chest until she knew exactly what was on her chest. Currently, Mina had no clue as to what was actually happening in her life.

She had suddenly been introduced to a new country, meeting new people and learning some very shocking information that had changed her opinion on Jonas completely.

Running a hand through her hair, she inhaled deeply and began to spoke, "Jonas-"
She was interrupted by the kitchen door opening.

"To be continued." Rosalie mumbled as the other girls walked in laughing and shouting.

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