Chapter 2

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The meta-human was shocked to hear the name of Jump's most feared villain whisp from the boy's mouth.

"You love...Slade?" The only response he received was an almost imperceptible nod of the head. "Well then...why aren't ya tryin to woo him with that 'Boy Wonder Charm' ya got? And don't deny it, I know ya got it in ya, so what gives?"

Robin had been shocked by the older teen's nonchalance concerning his heart's desire, but soon smiled brightly, some of the lost inner fire returning to his eyes.

"Chase...Jinx?" He was starting to grow annoyed with his limited speech, though it was worth it when he saw Cyborg try, and fail, at hiding the new blush adorning his cheeks.

"I was worried about what you would think..." Robin gave a squeeze to the older's hand in reassurance and urged him to continue. "I'll make ya a deal Rob."


"Yea. I'll help ya with Slade, if you help me with Jinx." Robin took this into consideration, before discovering a problem in their plans. He pulled at the legs of his Robin costume, making sure Cyborg saw it.

"Heroes?" He felt the older stiffen, before giving a defeated sigh and relaxing himself.

"I don't think we can be heroes after this man...are you ok with that?"

"For Slade..."

"Yea, I'd do the same for Jinx. Would...would you become a baddy for him?"

"Minor...never kill."

"Ditto." Robin laughed lightly before gasping.


"I'm listenin."

"Us, with....Slade. Apprentice. Hope"

"He'd let us stay, 'cuz he'd have a willing apprentice." Robin nodded and Cyborg smiled. "Maybe I can work a little for him. Well if he asks I will. Tell ya what, next time he calls, I'll bring you with. He has this thing for getting you alone." They shared a laugh at this. "We'll talk to him. Tell him our plan. If he asks why...we tell him. How's that?"

Robin eagerly nodded, more of the fire returning to his eyes. They talked about things in a little more detail, telling each other what made them fall for the other and so on, while Cyborg removed the restraints and feeding tube. This went on for a bit, only to be broken by the crime alert.

"When we come back, I'll get you dinner alright?" Robin nodded again, he'd been doing that a lot lately. "Love you little bro." He gave him a light hug, which was happily returned.

"Love you...too Cy-Bro." Cyborg smiled at the new nickname, before taking off.

Chapter 2/5

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