Chapter 3

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The crime, it turned out, had been the H.I.V.E trying once again to put down Jump City's mood. The Titans, led by Cyborg, had quickly dealt with the new threat. The team had quickly returned to the tower, Cyborg immediately rushing to Robin's room to tell him of their epic battle. The boy was grateful, as it meant company and conversation.

He ate the dinner brought to him, for he now had a reason to live. He would be with Slade, with his big brother by his side. He just had to wait for the man to strike again.

As if those from higher places had heard his thoughts, the alarm went off once more. Cyborg sighed, a bit annoyed, but reluctantly got up. "Time to save the day again." This got a chuckle from the younger, before he was out the door. He joined the others in the meeting room, and froze. There on the screen, was his and Robin's chance for love.

"Greetings, Titans." Though it was anything but a greeting. "Where is your precious Leader? Sick maybe?"

"He's ready for whatever ya got Slade!" The others looked at their temporary leader in shock.

'Just what was their friend doing?!'

"Is that so? Well then, I'm sure you won't have any problems raking down Cinderblock." The feed was disconnected, the screen going black. The other instantly rounded on their friend.

"Friend Cyborg, why have you told the villian Friend Robin would be coming?" Starfire asked, ever the cheerful one.

"Because he will be. No time explain, you guys go and I'll get Rob. Titans go!" Though they were obviously not satisfied with the answer, they obeyed and were soon on their way to the oncoming battle. Cyborg himself made his way to Robin's room, who perked up when he say his older brother enter.

"It's Slade." Robin froze for a moment, becoming solemn as he nodded and allowed himself to be scooped into the olders arms. He was still too malnourished to walk or move much by himself. He looked up to Cyborg, his face showing nothing but grim determination.

"It's time?" Cyborg made his way out of the tower, cradling the other gently.

"Yeah." He smiled down at the younger, settling him down in the T-Car. "Excited?"

"Nervous." Oh he really was. What if Slade declined? What if the man asked why, then hated him? Oh god, what if he was homophobic?!

"Yeah, but we have to try. No chickening out on me here." They were almost at the scene now, and they could see the others fighting Cinderblock.

"Stop. Alley." The boy pointed to the right, where a suspicious Slade-shapes shadow was waiting. Cyborg stopped the car, getting out and collecting Robin into his arms, before slowly making his way into the alley. And there he was, the man patiently waiting, looking as if he had all the time in the world...well he actually did. The man looked momentarily shocked at the sight of the famous Boy Wonder being cradled in the meta-humans arms, but soon gained his control.

"Well robin, being lazy are we?"

"We don't want ta fight ya man, we came here to talk." Since Robin had yet to regain his normal vocabulary, Cyborg had taken to talking for him.

"Oh?" The man seemed genuinely surprised, but masked it well.

"We have a deal for you, one that you'd be all to happy about." Robin smiled slightly at this, letting out a little laugh. Cyborg smiled down at him, before once again facing the man.

"And what would this deal entail."

"If you let Jinx, Robin, and I stay with you..." here he looked to Robin to see if the young bird would want to give the big bit of news. Robin stared evenly at Slade, and said with the utmost clarity:

"Apprentice." Slade faltered a bit, before coming to stand just in front of the two.

"You would be willing?"

"Yes." He took a step closer.

"Follow even the most minor orders?"

"Yes." Another step.

"Never see your friends again, fight them even?"

"Yes." Every answer determined, never a hint of hesitation. Another step.

"Call me Master?" He was just in front of the boys now.

"Yes, Master." Still no hesitation. Slade laid a hand on the boy's head, noting mentally how Cyborg never once moved to stop him, he in fact, shifted the teen a bit closer to Slade.

"Why?" They both seemed to tense at the question, but soon enough he got his answer.

"Love." Was the simple reply from Robin. He shot a look to Cyborg, who nodded on confirmation.

"You are after Jinx. And you are willing to give up your freedom for him?" Robin shook his head and clarified.

"He loves....Jinx." He blushed, hoping the man would catch on. And he did. He stroked the teen's cheek and spoke softly.

"I never wanted to hurt you. Yes, I desire you for an apprentice, but also for a partner. This was always about you, Robin. I had told you so already. Never had I dreamed my affections would be returned." Both teens stared at him on shock, and he motioned for them to follow further into the alley. "That being said, we have a deal. Come boys, it's time to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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