Meeting the nolans

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Well I'm not going to start with details because I don't do formalities but what I can tell you is that today is the day when I move into the nolans.
The nolans are adopting me I know I'm a little old to be adopted but apparently it was completely necessary.
My name is Emma swan and this is my life.
10:15am Sunday 20th November
I had all my stuff packed to move all ready I just had to wait for the social worker to pick me up so while I was waiting I thought I might write some questions on a piece of paper for my new parents.
Questions for the nolans:
1) what should I call you
2) what are your rules
3) what are the consequences if I break a rule
4) what school will I be attending
5) what do you do as a job
6) do you judge lesbians
I couldn't really think of anything else to say hopefully they would answer all the questions I have when they introduce me into their home.
The social worker finally pulled up into my foster carers driveway and began to exit her vehicle.
Sw:hi Emma how are you?,are you all ready?
Me: uh yeah I think so everything is packed so I should be good.
Dw: okay then I will load your stuff into my car would you be able to give me a hand?
12:15 pm
I arrived at the nolans they seemed very cheerful and very welcoming
Nolan #1: hi you must be Emma come on in.
I walked in and we left my stuff in the car so I could have a full house tour and a proper introduction. During the introduction I was told that her name was Mary Margret but I can call her Mary or mm for short for now.
Mary Margret had asked me to look at the house rules and sign them once I had read them they seemed fairly simple there was things like respect me and I shall respect you,make sure you do your chores etc just normal household rules.
I then had to fill in my form for my new school which I was starting it was called STORYBROOKE high.
I just started to unpack little bits at a time I had a massive room and it was decorated very nicely.
Mm: Emma your dinner is ready,I would also like you to meet someone.
Me: Okay thank you,I'll be downstairs now.
In the dining room:
Nolan #2: hey you must be Emma right ?
Me: yes I am nice to meet you
Nolan #2: aww you're very polite my name is David you can me David or da....
Mm: not yet David I don't think Emma is ready to call us mum and dad yet.
I was just sat watching a film with my new parents after I took a shower the film was pretty good.
Mm turns off the TV
Mm+David: there's something we need to talk about.
Me: okay sure
Mm+David: we just wanted to say we hope you will be happy living with us and hope you have a good day at school tomorrow.
Emma:so kind thank you, I think I should go to bed now as it's almost 9:30 and I need to be up early tomorrow night guys see you in the morning

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