Meeting with miss mills

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After English being so wacky and lunch time being a little on the crazy radar I had chemistry with mr gold
Mr gold:hi class I will be teaching you chemistry for the year my name is mr gold and I don't stand for bad behaviour but I stand for excellence so excel in my class and we will get on great,without further ado turn to page 74 in your textbooks and we shall begin.
The bell rang to signal the end of class My was I glad class was finished like seriously I don't think I'll be taking chemistry for gcse.
I had to report to miss mills with my report card as it was the end of the day double chemistry really does make you tired lol.
In miss mills office
Me:hi miss mills I have my report card
Miss mills: lets have a look... hmmm okay you did okay in my class and okay in chemistry who teaches you chemistry?
Me:mr gold does
Miss mills: ah I see mr gold can be quite harsh but it looks like you've done alright for a first day well done kiddo

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