Dumbledore and Tutoring

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I walked into the castle, as though some joy the past five years I've been here has gone. The fear that Voldemort is trying to get into this castle frightens me to the brim. I can't imagine what it will be like if he did succeed in penetrating into the castle.

Ernie was still next to me, me at the hufflepuff table with him. No one seems to notice nowadays. As we watch the first years being sorted, I look across from me, the blond staring at me again, except he looked extremely depressed. I smiled without my teeth showing, and played with my fork until I saw that food speared on the table

Ernie seemed to know something was wrong.

"What's wrong, love?" Ernie said, rubbing my back. I sighed, and faced him.

"I feel like Hogwarts this year won't be as joyful as the last five years. With Voldemort this powerful already–"

He put his finger on my lips.

"–Rachel, there is nothing to fear. With Dumbledore around, he won't touch this place." Ernie said. I sighed and looked at my chicken.

"Thanks Ern." I said, and dug in with my chicken, taking it forever to cut into bite sized pieces.

"Hey, Rachel." Said a boy next to me. I didn't realize that I was sitting next to Justin Flinch-Fletchley, the guy who wrote letters with me all summer.

I flashed a smile.

"Hullo Justin." I said. Justin turned over to Ernie, who both stretched their back behind me so they could shake hands.

"Hello there Justin."

"Pleasure seeing you Ernie."


As we finished up our meals, professor Dumbledore went to his bird speaking tool, and started talking.

"Let me introduce the new staff this year." Professor Dumbledore started. Me and Ernie exchanged smirks.

"You will be pleased to welcome, our new potions master, Professor Slughorn." Dumbledore pointed to Slughorn. He stood and waved, while me and Ernie exchanged confused looks.

"Then who's the–" I started.

"Meanwhile, we have a new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Snape."

I whispered, "No!" And grabbed onto Ernies wrist, while his free hand grabbed my shoulder rather roughly in anger. The Slytherins held most of the applause for professor Snape, of course. They've been waiting for this!

Dumbledore made a huge speech of how a man named Tom Riddle was in Hogwarts, and how we are safe in this castle. After Dumbledore was done, I let out a shaky breath. Ernie wrapped his arm around me, giving a light squeeze. I looked up at him and smiled, remembering that I always have him, ever since we were four years old.

I said goodnight to Ernie and Justin, giving Ernie a hug from behind before I joined the Ravenclaws and guiding the fist years to the common room.

Ernie Pov

Rachel gave me a hug from behind and went to escort the Ravenclaw first years to the common room.

A few seconds later Justin spoke up.

"What are you two?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Are you two dating or...?"

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