A Little While Back

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I walked with Ernie and Justin to lunch, soon an awkward silence in the air. I played with the corners of the page of my book, Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp, feeling gray eyes looking down at me.

"What are you thinking?" Ernie asked me.

"Nothing, really." I replied, barely moving my lips. This always happened when we were walking early to lunch.

We were soon in the great hall, not as early as expected, about 15 people already there, digging into the food that just started to appear.

"Hufflepuff table or Ravenclaw?" I asked, smiling at Ernie and Justin, me swinging my arms around their necks.

"Isn't it always hufflepuff?" Ernie asked me, putting his arm around my shoulders, Justin copying his actions. We steered to the hufflepuff table, sitting down, me in the middle, Ernie on my left and Justin on my right. I dug into a price of meat and some mashed potatoes. The two boys just stared at me. I looked up, and knitted my eyebrows together.

"Is this amusing?" I asked with a smirk on my face. Ernie still stared at me. Justin smiled and looked away.

"Did Professor Slughorn tell you why Malfoy was paired up with you?" Ernie asked.

I shrugged.

"I didn't ask." I replied.

"But Slughorn–he must have made a mistake. You can't be with him."

Anger started to rise in me. I tried to stay calm.

"And what does that mean?" My anger and coldness dripping every word, clearly visible. We turned to face each other.

"I–I mean–I just don't want him to hurt you, that's all." Ernie said, putting a hand on my shoulder, his thumb rubbing lovingly back and forth. I looked at his hand and sighed.

"Sorry." Ernie said.

"You're fine." I said, facing the table. Ernie grabbed an apple, and started to munch on it quietly.

"It is a little odd, you know," Justin said next to me. I turned my head to face him.

"Malfoy and you." Justin continued. I shrugged.

"All it is is tutoring. Nothing exciting." I said.

The three of us didn't say a word after that, as me and Justin were stuffing our faces, Ernie reading my book.

Soon enough, the food vanished, and it was time for our hour long break. Me, Justin, and Ernie walked out of the great hall.

"Sorry, guys, I have to go to the library for some studying." Justin said. I pouted, and crossed my arms. Justin chuckled, me quickly joining in.

"See you, Justin." I said, brushing his arm with my hand gently before leaving with Ernie.

-Justin Pov-

"See you Justin." Rachel said. She stepped closer, just a little bit, to brush my left arm gently, before going the opposite direction with Ernie.

I felt something on my arm after Rachel gently caressed it with her fingers. A warm and tingly feeling replaced the place where Rachel brushed it. I don't think I've ever felt this way before about anyone. And I see the way Rachel and Ernie are. They are inseparable, for three quarters of their lives they have been. I just needed a break from this, a break from Reality for a moment.

I Won't Hurt You, Draco Malfoy X OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora