ASDF Movie 6

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Alvin: I'm going to punch your face...

Alvin: IN THE F A C E !

Troy: Nooo

Troy's Face: Noooo

Troy's faces face: NOOO--

TFF: *Gets punched*


Clem: Hello, everybody, welcome to Standing Up School--

Duck: *face plants into the ground*

Clem: aaand you fail.


Javi: *playing the trumpet*

Javi's Dad(idk his name, oops): Hey, you got a license for that!?

Javi: you'll never take me alive!

Javi: *trumpets himself to death*


A voice: knock knock!

Nick: who's there?

A voice: T H E   D O O R


Bonnie: Hey, did you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Sarah: *puts carrots into her eyes*

Sarah: You lied to me...


Javi: 🎵Hello~🎵

David: 🎵Hello~🎵

Tripp: 🎵Hello~🎵

Conrad: 🎵Hello-- *steps on a mine turtle*

Mine turtle: Hello!

All four: 🎵oh no-- *blows up*


Mari: oh, look, a puppy!

Gabe: careful, mari. He has a knife.

Sam the dog: *has a knife taped to him* oh what--what, no I don't--


Everyone is just standing around, talking to one another.

Gabe: Everybody do the flop!!

Everybody: *flops*


Katjaa: hello, burger!

Burger: I used to be a cow...


Katjaa: oH...


And now, the funniest thing you've ever seen.

From really far away.

David: Hey, man did you get my family-- *blows up*


Javier: asshole


She's a magical Mari
Flying through the sky,
Looking for adventures for you and I--

Badger: Shoot it down.

TNF: *shoots the magical Mari and she explodes*


Kenny: *staring at the ground*

Kenny: *looks up* I have no idea how to breath...


Christa: What are you drawing, Clem?

Clem: I'm drawing a dog!

Sam the dog: *bites Clem*


Ben is standing by the RV.

Travis: Quick, don't think about cats!!

Ben: *projectile vomits kittens*


Rebecca to AJ: here comes the aeroplane!

AJ: *gasps*

Then, an aeroplane crashes through their house.


So, how is everyone?


Kate: *currently dying*

Gabe: quick, is anyone a doctor?!

Eleanor: I am!

Gabe well, you're a nerd!

Gabe and Kate high five and its cool.


Remember, the rat in ratatouille is named Remy, not fuckin' ratatouille, because ratatouille is a food.

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