Chapter 1

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Jasper was a brute, but at least she has some sort of cognitive skills. Peridot was waiting for us when we landed.
Some Off Color was shooting at us. Was.
' Probably another Crystal Gem,' I thought. That was until I saw it was fusion. Add that to the list of remaining Crystal  Gems.

"Pathetic," Peridot said, blocking the attack. As we landed I noticed a short gems with gem again...Steven.The fusion fell apart into that rouge pearl and a purple gem. 

He was yelling at them, but the permanent fusion, known as Garnet, was yelling at Steven. 
Peridot stood from her hand and walked towards a lighter colored panel on the floor and told us to stand on it. I stood next to Jasper and a bubble came up. Peridot's hand was now a screen and it took us to the palm of hand ship and took us to the ground. Jasper nodded slightly and I nodded back. When the bubble came down, Peridot was the first to speak.

"That's them alright.They're the ones who keep breaking my machines,"Peridot said. 

"Looks like another waste of my time..."Jasper sighed, taking a step forward. She grabbed my arm and yelled,"Hey! Get over here. "
Jasper dragged me to the front and I broke free of her grasp. I "gasped" when I say Steven.

"Lapis,"Steven exclaimed.

"Is this their base,"Jasper asked. 

I looked away and answered,"Yes..."

The Crystal Gems seemed a bit upset. 
The fusion yelled,"You need to leave immediately!"

The purple runt exclaimed,"Yeah, step off!"

The rouge pearl finished with "This is not a gem controlled planet!"

It's because of her and the other rebels have forgotten their place. Because of them Homeworld have more Off Colors to deal with. A pearl and ruby fused and ran off due to Garent. There was a defective sapphire that Yellow want for some reason. And then there's two other defective Earth gems that are missing as well. This is from what the other lazulis told me when I returned. 

Jasper seemed unamused at this. In fact I think she ignored them as we landed on the beach.
"And neither of you saw Rose Quartz,"she asked," Oh, what a shame. I'd hoped to meet her. I was looking forward to beating her into the ground!"

Whatever reason she wants Rose Quartz, it seemed personal. Jasper looked at the Crystal Gems. I told I didn't know if there were any other gems in Rose's army left. All I knew was the base. 

  "But this is all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, and this shameless display,"she said. She glances at Steven and asks," What is that?"

The Crystal Gems summoned their weapons. I could take them again, but I need to keep my cover. 

Peridot answered her with,"It calls itself the Steven."

I jumped in and said,"He's just a human! He isn't a threat at all! He's not one of them!"

Jasper scoffed and said,"I know what I human is. You don't need me for this. Just blast them with the ship."

Jasper turned and walked towards the ship docking area. Peridot rolled her eyes and replied with,"Ugh, fine."

She drew a circle on her screen and I looked away. I tried. I saw that they were arguing about something. 
"Firing." Peridot touched the screen. 

Steven jumped in front of them. Soon I was blinded by the dust and light. When it settled I saw it. The symbol of the rebellion...Rose's shield. Jasper must of noticed because of what I heard next. 

"  That shield! That symbol!"

Steven fell to the ground. Jasper continued,"You! You have the power of Rose Quartz!"

Peridot, whined,"Now do you believe I needed an escort."

"Fire a barrage! Widespread!"

Peridot swiped the screen, firing the beam again, but luckily Steven was pushed out the way by Garnet. The pearl and purple gem was caught in it though. 

The smoked clear and Jasper asked," Rose, why do you look like that? Why are you so weak?"
"Don't hurt him." I begged

"You knew about this,"she accused. 

" It wasn't relevant to the mission."I was shaking a bit. 

"Forget about the mission," Jasper fired back.

"WHAT,"Peridot exclaimed. 

"Yellow Diamond needs to see this...."

Steven backed away slowly from Jasper. Jasper could kill him if he wanted to. The fusion jumped in front of Jasper and they clashed. It sent Garnet back, but Jasper pulled a gem destabilizer. I heard that that could be deadly and was designed by Yellow Diamond herself.Jasper manage to get her directly in her chest. And the results...her form crumbled.  And left was the two traitors...Sapphire and Ruby. 

"I was there, you know?;At the first war for this garbage planet. I fought against your armies. I respected your tactics. But this....This is sick,"she told Steven. She picked him up by his shirt and gestured around her. 

"Unhand him,"the pearl yelled.

"I don't get what you're planning, Rose. But look?! Your base is taken. Your armies are ruined. You have failed!"

Jasper then headbutts him, knocking him unconscious. The pearl and purple gem stopped when they realized they couldn't take Jasper on. 

We boarded the ship and Jasper placed the pearl and amethyst, as I learned, in a few cells and turned on this force field. We separated Ruby, placing her gem in a cell not far from the unconscious Steven and Sapphire a good ways from her. 

"All right now for the next part. I have to get into a ce--"

"You knew about Rose Quartz."

"I didn't know that was Rose Quartz. I was told he was called Steven."

"But you still knew."

"Fight me on this later. Who knows. Maybe Yellow Diamond will reward you with the honor of shattering Rose Quartz."

Jasper nodded and closed the cell behind her. Steven is human...I don't know if Gem tech will work on him. 

I forgot about this story. Please forgive me.

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