Chapter 5

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We are in SAME OLD WORLD in this chapter.

What happened? I remember these strange, green humans and a giant fusion. I look up at the night sky ready to leave when...

 "Lapis, you're okay!"

I turn around and saw him. "Steven!"


He looked so sad. I wish I could explain to him what I'm doing,but I couldn't.

 "I have to, Steven. I don't belong on Earth, not with the Crystal Gems. I never have...." Which is true. 

"It's okay,"Steven said," I understand, I just wish we could've hung out more. I feel like I only get to see you when something horrible's going on."

I smile a little and respond with," That's just how it is with me. Steven... thank you. Goodbye, again."

Steven, looking teary eyed said,"Bye."

And at that, I took off. 

"Maybe I can find a way back to Homeworld...but I still need to get my story straight...and possibly find the peridot..." 

This is too much. I land in a nearby field. I dig into my pocket for my communitcator. Luckily they didn't search me...or Jasper.Wait...Where is Jasper? Later, Lazuli. I activate the communicator is met with Blue Diamond's pearl. 

"Who is speaking?"

"Lapiz Lazuli facet 6. I am reporting in. I understand I am late, but there is much for me to tell my diamond," I state. 

"Speak up, my dear..." Blue sighs. 

" We found Rose Quartz, however, we are currently stranded on Earth. I have lost my escort and the Jasper you've assigned. I've located a Galaxy Warp, but it's nonfunctional."

" Non...functional....Ah, yes. A peridot said it was compromised. So you found Rose Quartz?"
"Yes, but not Rose Quartz...exactly....It is truly hard to explain."

"Shock can do that to you. I shall send an envoy for you in a few months. For now, continue gathering information on Rose Quartz."

"Yes, my Diamond." I salute her and end the transmission. 


"My dear Pearl...I wish to visit the site again," Blue sighed

"Oh course. Shall I make the necessary arrangements?"

"No, I must contact Yellow and White first."


I land on top of the tallest structure near Steven and sat down. The others left leaving him alone. 

"Whoa, Lapis!"

I look down to see Steven climbing up to the top of the structure. He struggles to keep his balance on the steep roof, but manages sits down beside me. 

" I thought you left?" Steven asked, confused.

" I was leaving, then I realized I've got nowhere to go," I answered," Who knows what they would do to me back home after what I did to Jasper? I can't go back to Homeworld and I can't stay here."

"Sure you can,"Steven exclaims.

" What?"

" You can totally stay here, it doesn't have to be here here,"he explains,"You can live anywhere! You don't have to stay in Beach City if you don't want to.You could live in Surf City or Sea City, Aqua Town, Bayburgh, and that's just the places I know of off the top of my head. I could show you around."

"Really," I inquired.

" Yeah, we could find you a new place to live. I really only know the tri-state area but my phone has a global positioning system."

Steven shows me a small screen. It's a bit outdated by Homeworld standard, but I do want to stay here a bit longer. I need more info on why this Rose Quartz look like this.

"Uhh, okay," I said, standing up,"Let's go look."


"My name's Lapis."

I sprout my water wings and sits down, allowing Steven to jump onto my back to carry him. I could drop him, but I'm sure the Crystal Gems won't appreciate that. 

"You okay like this?"

Steven nodded and I  leap off the silo taking off into the skies. Steven is rallied up with fear and excitement while he clings onto my back, watching the barn and silo shrink in distance. He then shouts in excitement as they fly past a moving train and farm fields. 

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