Chapter 3

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"What the hell is your problem?"

I continued to ignore her. I can not let her hurt Steven. I look up and I see her. It's really her. I never really seen her in person. Wait...I never saw her in person.  What am I looking at?

A pink figure keep flashing in front of me. She seemed familiar, but at the same time a stranger to me. I keep seeing her face. 

"What's going on?"
"What are you talking about,"Jasper asked.

"What did you do to me," I asked. 
"Funny, I was going to ask the same thing to you,"Jasper quipped. 
"I saw her. I saw a glance of her. ... do?"
"Who is this 'her'?"
"You know very well who I'm talking about?"
Jasper pouted her lips, as if she was thinking about something.Jasper then mumbled a name.  I tightened the chains around her.

"Speak up," I ordered.

"knsas asdskafd.."

"I SAID SPEAK UP!" I was basically torturing her at this point.

"Pink...Diamond..." Jasper wheezed out. 

I loosed the water chains around her enough to let her know I was happy with the answer. 

"Pink Diamond..What was she like...before she was..." I couldn't finish the question. All of Homeworld was devastated by the lost of a Diamond Elite. Her gems especially. 

" I was under her command. When Rose Quartz took out the Kindergarten, I was the perfect one from the Beta...for a rush job. Those peridots worked double time."

Wow...she does have a heart. But she was hiding something. 
"What about you,"she asked.
"What about me,"I shot back at her.

"Oh, I don't know..little Miss' I forgot my cover story during the rebellion'"
How did she...Never mind.

"It was my first time."
"Yeah...the skinny jasper..what her face,...oh well, she's a better fighter. Was able to hold her own against those traitors...Speaking of which where the hell is that peridot?"
"Which one?"
"Don't get smart with me. The one we came with."

She had a point. Where is Peridot....whatever cut and facet. Was she in the wreckage? At this point she was probably captured by those traitors. 
"Why didn't you stick with the plan,"I inquired. 

"Simple. The Diamonds needed to see that traitor." 
This...I sighed and reworded my question," Why did you go against what we said we would do?  I mean why engage them."

"Like I said, the Diamonds needed to see that traitor. Plus, I fought them. Well not the runt. Not sure where she came from."
I continued to ignore her. Lost in my own thoughts...why did I do this? Why did I not listen to Steven? To the other Lazulis? I could have sided with Steven, but that would make me a traitor.I could always pretend to side with Steven. I already know the others would be wary of me. But that means getting in contact with the Diamonds to inform them of our predicament, and I don't feel like being on the receiving end of Yellow's infamous tantrum. But should I let Jasper in on it...  That would mean, releasing her and she has a score to settles with the Crystal Gems her anger will blind her from the mission. 

"I can hear some of your thoughts,"She said.
"Then ignore them."I retorted.
"I want in, "was her reply. 

I mean I could....but that means finding and informing Peridot of our plan.But that also means endangering Steven.
"...No" I grabbed the chains and pulled her beneath the watery floor. I am done being a prisoner.


"Why haven't they contacted us yet,"Blue asked. 

"My sister, do calm down,"White requested,"The last thing we need is for you to get upset."
"I am worried."
"Don't worry,"Yellow stated," She is with the best soldier from my court. She is in safe hands."

"Oh, I hope you're right."
White Diamond stood and walked towards the door," I am needed elsewhere. Blue, please, take care. I understand that you miss our sister, we all do, but do not let this blind you. We don't to lose you as well."

Okay I love writing Blue Diamond. She's a sad little cinnamon roll that we must protect. I'm pretty sure she was a complete badass before Pink was shattered. 

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