Chapter 1 - A Whole New Type Of Hell

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All rights Reserved. 2017

Maya's POV

A day is made up of hours, minutes and seconds... But it is actually the seconds that make the minutes, and hours that make up a whole day.

Then days turn into years.

So without some little things that make up your year, your year would be a whole lot different...

I wish mine was.

*364 days earlier*

Okay, new school, new rules-if only it would be that simple. Because it always never is.

I wake up and groan, complaining about the light that I was seeing from my windows that were across each other and my bed was in between them like a sandwich.

It was inevitable, i had to see the light no matter what.

I got up, sitting on the bed and stretched my arms in front of me and my legs after that.

I stood up and stretched my back, curving it. Have to get ready and warmed up for a new type of hell. Where people are still not going to like me. What's the point of even going?

Learning? Ha! naaaaah

I left my bedroom barefoot, knowing that if my mom is still here, she will yell at me for it.

My mom wakes up earlier than me, but leaves at the same time that I wake up to go to the hospital, she's a nurse.

I reach the bathroom, I take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, tone it, moisturize it, you know all of that stuff we need to do but, don't want to.

I open the door and step out of the bathroom, being cautious, on the lookout for mom like she's a Pokémon, and I'm trying to find her but instead of me catching her, she's catching me.

In the evil act of being barefoot.

But I can't find her anywhere, so she probably left, Or not.

Once I reached my bedroom door, I entered, closing the door behind me.

I take out some clothes before deciding on a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans, a light blue oversized hoodie ,and adidas, brushing my hair, and fliping it to the side.

I grab a black hair tie and put in on my wrist. I don't know why but I always think I look cooler with this, but...


I grab my book bag that I prepared yesterday, like a good kid. I grab my phone and earphones, placed it inside of my hoodie's pockets, then leave my room, closing the door behind me.

I head downstairs and walk to the kitchen, my favorite place, other than my bedroom.

I put my book bag on the floor.

Grab a bowl, Then do all the necessary steps to make cereal. You probably know how to do that...If not, I don't know.

When I finished. I take the bowl and put it on the dishwasher, get my book bag and put it on both of my shoulders.

Not one because I always get bothered by "one strappers" because every time they walk they swing their book bags side to side like Ariana Grande, and if people were behind them, they'd hit them.

One time, In my old "school" I was unlucky to be behind a "one strapper", we were going up the stairs, and their book bag swung right to my face, and like the 'sassy pants' I am (Who even says that anymore?), I told her that her book bag isn't worthy enough of touching my face, let alone hitting it.

She asked if it's better if, her fist hits my face.

I said that it was dirty from all the dicks that she had touched.

She just said that's more than I had.

I asked how she knew.

She laughed, then I followed after her.

She is now known as my best friend, and my only friend, named Ava, I know... That's sad.

But at least Ava moved schools here too. We were both in middle school, and this is our freshman year. And I hope I can also make new friends too.

But hope isn't always enough.

My looks are.

I walk to the end table and grab the keys, and head out the door closing it.

As I take a step outside I take in the cool wind that felt like a bunch of tiny needles on my face.

I don't even know the way to this "School"(aka hell hole).

I called my mom and she didn't answer... So I figured out that I would type the name of the school in google maps and then get the directions to the 'school' but I don't know the name either so...

It's not like I want to go to school or anything.

I called mom again, since there's nothing else to do, and she answers.

Dang it!

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