Chapter 2 - Have The Smarts

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All rights reserved. 2017

Maya's POV

I was hoping I wasn't going to go, but I guess I have to have the smarts. But I'm already smart so...

"Hello?" She says tiredly, if that's even a word.


It is.


I Googled it.

I must've woken her up.

"Hi, it's me mom."

She sighs "Yes?"

"Were you sleeping? If you were you know that you're late right?" I say.

"No, I'm at the hospital working my ass off already" She responds back.

"No need for sass, Mom."

"Sorry Honey, I'm just tired because I decided to wake up earlier than usual, since I had to do some extra work."

"It's okay mom, you can sleep when you come home, I'll get takeout-Chinese food and, then do the laundry today."

She sighs again "What do you want?"

"Mom! Nothing!", "Why do you always have to assume that when I do nice things, I want something?"

"Okay, Okay, sorry I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but there is a reason why you were calling me, yes?" She asks.

"Of course mom, I wouldn't just call you for no reason." I answered back.

Her tired voice soon became... sharp and scary.

"MIRA NO LE HABLE ASI A TU MADRE QUE TE PARIO, O TE DOY EN ESA BOCA LINDA TUYA QUE... oh... si.. YO TE DI! YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!" She said that last piece with her Dominican accent.

For all you gringos:(Sorry, don't come for me)(LOOK DON'T TALK LIKE THAT TO YOUR MOTHER WHO GAVE BIRTH TO YOU, OR I'LL HIT YOU IN THAT PRETTY MOUTH OF YOURS THAT... oh... yeah.. I GAVE TO YOU! YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!) She said that last piece with her Dominican accent.

"ok" I said.

Scared of my own mother.

"So... Anyways.. I don't know the name or the way to the school" I say making air quotes, realizing she doesn't see me. And trying to steer clear of that very... scary conversation


I'm too lazy to keep doing this.

"It's Lockhart Academy, I told you once before."

Well excuse me, if I don't remember something I don't want to.

"Oh, right." I say without any sassy response, because it's my mom, I'm scared of her and I love her.

And, trust me, don't give sass to a Latina mom, in fact, don't give sass to any Latina ever.. you know what? Just steer clear of ANY Latino... ever.

Trust me, I learned it the hard way...

"Need directions?" She asks.

"Umm, no I can just use google maps, it's faster" I'm just too stubborn, but I think she already knows that.

"Right, because technology is always the answer." She says sarcastically.

I guess I turned out just like my mom.

I Laugh "Okay mom, I love you, bye"

"love you more." She adds.

"No I love you more"

"No, me more" she says.

Now I'm getting annoyed.

"Okay mom, even though I love you more, I'm going to be late."

"No, I love you more but fine, I guess we'll continue this later, bye honey."

"I guess so, Bye mom"

"Love you more, I win." I say at the last second that I ended the call.


She had no shot against me, I'm too competitive.

I turn off my phone.

Then realize that I was slowly walking to...


Are you surprised?


Me neither, this is not one of those Wattpad stories.

I unlock My phone.

And instantly see that I'm 11 minutes late.


I quickly go into google maps and type Lockhart academy.

I get results, that say it's a 8 minute walk. Ugh, I guess this is another reason to hate school. And I'm going to be even later.

It would be closer if I wasn't walking away from the school. Like only 4 minutes away.

Oh wow.

I Keep walking, but this time in the right direction(Even though I wish I didn't have to)-to the direction Google Maps says, while listening to my "Favorites" Playlist. They are literally all bands. This time I was listening to Bright Lights by Gary Clark Jr.

I see the school in the distance take my headphones out of my, now red because of the cold-ears, my phone from my hoodie's pocket and put my phone and earphones in vibrate, then my book bags smallest pocket.

When I finally reach it I see it says Lockhart academy on top of the big school made of pale bricks on the outside, I also see a lot people going inside so I do the same.


The inside looks like...

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