Chapter 10

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It took quite a while for me to get over Mark. I know I only knew him for two days but I thought we had something. A year on and I'm feeling fine, well to be honest I don't think anything could be better. I have a new job which I love and I' m surrounded by great friends.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR [YN] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!' Becci sang as she barged into my bedroom with her hands full of cards and the few presents that I'd been bought.

'Aww thanks Becci' I said sitting up and giving her a massive hug. I couldn't ask for a better friend. After around twenty minutes of opening the lovely cards I'd been given and admiring the presents. I finally decided to begin to get ready for the day ahead. First on the agenda; clean the kitchen followed by getting ready for a surprise night out with Becci. Oh no, this could end messy! I threw on some 'house clothes' as I like to call them, before making way into the kitchen to be greeted by a sink full of pots. Great! Cleaning was probably one of the things I hated the most in the world! When the pots were finally done I moved onto cleaning the microwave, I don't know why I even still one to be honest, I think I've only ever used it once. As I began to clean it a familiar but unwated item made an appearance from underneath it. I began to feel several tears form in my eye before wiping them away with the sleeve of my t-shirt. Why was I upset? He was the one who hurt me? Plus, it was my decision to not see him again and I'd only known him for two minutes. I shoved the bracelet onto my wrist so I could put it upstairs after I'd finished cleaning the kitchen.

*3 hours later*

Finally! Once the kitchen was cleaned, I showered and got ready, Becci arrived just as the taxi had just pulled up. Let the fun begin, I thought to myself as the taxi made its way into town. I had no idea where we were going, Becci said she'd got us into the best venue a girl could want so I'm looking forward to this! After around twenty minutes we pulled up outside a small bar called Reflex, surely this isn't where we were going? This place is awful, I thought to myself as I looked up at the broken, flickering sign.

'Don't look so worried!' Becci began laughing. 'We ain't going here!' she said pulling my arm and leading me around the corner.

'Here we are!' Becci said as we walked up the stairs towards our local concert venue, the one I saw The Overtones at last time.

'No turning back now!' Becci said dragging me up the stairs and into a queue of people. Who are we even here to see? I hate surprises. After queuing for about ten minutes we were handed some VIP passes. I threw it around my neck, not paying much attention, why am I complaining? Becci must have gone through a lot of trouble to organise all this for me, gosh I'm so ungrateful! I grabbed hold of the VIP pass that was hanging around my neck and looked at the picture on it. Oh no. I couldn't be here. Not now. Not ever. 'Becci I don't feel too good..' I lied to her.

'Tough, I spend a lot of time and money organising this and I know you like them so no getting out off it now missus! I want to give you a birthday you'll never forget!' I sent her a fake smile. The doors opened and people began to walk in, great, no turning back now, I have to face him! I walked in trying to keep my head down so a certain someone didn't see me. Not just yet anyway. If I'm honest I really enjoyed the sound check and I have actually missed their music.

'Come on, lets wait at the back of the queue. You'll get to spend longer with them, depending on Lance's mood' Becci said excitedly before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the back. I watched Mark closely with the other fans as we waited in the queue.

'Next!' I heard someone shout, I'm guessing that's Lance?

'Eeek! See you at outside after your picture!' Becci said pointing to the doors on the right hand side. I watched her say goodbye to the boys and walk away. Oh no.

'Come on then, last one lets get it out of the way so I can go and chill before the show!' the man said, laughing as he waited for me to walk towards the boys. I walked over towards them smiling. I'm not going to let this ruin my birthday i thought to myself as I was greeted by hugs from firstly Timmy then Mike, Darren and Lachie. 'Hurry up please, want the lads to get a nice long break before the show hun' he said smiling and taking my camera, so considering what he'd said, I skipped hugging the last one and took my place in between Timmy and Mike for my photo. Once they'd said their goodbyes, I began to walk off but then I felt a hand grip me and spin me around

'We need to talk' Mark said still gripping hold of my hand tightly. I pulled him away slightly so the other boys didn't hear.

'No we don't Mark, there's nothing to talk about. I moved on. Maybe you should try it?' I said angrily.

'Moved on?' He questioned, pausing allowing me to nod my head 'That's why you're wearing my bracelet is it?'

Do You Love Me? - Mark FranksWhere stories live. Discover now