Chapter 12

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I woke up to that familiar beautiful face laying beside me.

'Morning beautiful' he mumbled, with his morning voice, opening one eye then putting his arm around me and pulling me into a hug.

'I'm so lucky' he said before kissing my forehead and getting out of bed. After around twenty minutes we were both ready to head downstairs for breakfast. '[YN]?' Mark asked, while sat on the edge of the bed patting the space next to him and hinting for me to sit down. 'Does this mean...that we're know' He began. 'An item?' I paused for a while and pulled a upset face to worry him.

'I guess it does doesn't it' I laughed before kissing him.

'What about telling people then? I don't want to mess things up this time' He laughed.

'I suppose we have to, I mean, what's the worse that can happen' I replied before making my way towards the door.

'Now are you coming or what cos' I'm starving' I laughed opening the door and waiting for him to follow me out. As we were walking towards breakfast I felt a soft hand grip mine and I turned to see Mark's beaming face. I laughed as the familiar faces began to come up and question us.

'MARKY BOY! GOT SOMETHING TO TELL US?' Timmy said, winking at him.

'GO ON MARK!' Lachie and Mike both shouted in unison as we both laughed and took our seats next to them.

'Does anyone know where Becci is?' I asked worriedly. 'Haven't seen her since last night.'

'Oh, she's still up with Daz in their room, bless them' Timmy laughed.

'By the way [YN], we got your purse back, it's upstairs in our room. I'll fetch it in a bit for you' said Mike, smiling and taking a bite out of his toast.

After breakfast there was still no sign of Becci and Daz, so once I'd got my purse back, and thanked the boys about a million times for getting it back, me and Mark decided to head into town.

'Told you the boys would be fine with it..' Mark began. 'The boys love you, not as much as me obviously..' he said winking at me and pushing me a little.

I grabbed Mark's hand as we walked through town. After about 15 minutes we heard someone shout Mark and then three fans appeared infront of us. 'Hi Mark, you were great last night' Said the first girl.

'Can we get a picture?' Asked the second. Mark spoke to the girls for a while and had several photos before grabbing my hand again. Just before we walked off the third girl said something.

'What are you doing with her? Urgh, you could do so much better' she shouted, laughing. I felt a tear fall down onto my cheek as Mark's hand let go of mine.

Do You Love Me? - Mark FranksWhere stories live. Discover now