Chapter 11

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'I brought it to give it back to you, that way I won't have to see you again' I lied, yanking it off my wrist, and throwing it at him, as he caught it someone butted in...

'It's time you left now love, you've had long enough with them, off you pop. We've got things to do' said a man as he ushered me towards the door. As I reached them I turned around to see 4 of the lads wave before wandering off backstage, but Mark was still stood there, frozen in the same position, staring at the bracelet he was holding.

'How was it?!' Becci screamed, running up to me.

'Great, I love those boys!' I said back.

'You don't sound that happy...!' She replied, looking worried.

'Its just this headache, it's annoying. But seriously. I loved it thank you so much Becci!' I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

We went into town and Becci brought me a couple of new dresses before we made our back to the theatre, bought some merchandise and took our front row seats. Right, I can't let Mark spoil my night. I'll just focus on the other boys and have a dance. Then I'll make sure that our night out in town is one of the best.

Ok. I lied. I lost count of the amount of times that we made eye contact during the show. And then when the boys came down into the audience, Becci suddenly pushed me towards Mark for a hug, but I have to admit, that feeling of our bodies touching, I bloody missed it. No [YN]. What are you thinking. You didn't miss it. You were getting on completely fine without him.

Once the show had finished, I knew what was going to happen. Becci would want to run around to the back and see the boys again. And I was right, once again, we were the first ones to be waiting at the barrier to see them come out. Luckily, the other boys all came out before Mark, so once I'd seen all them I snuck away from the barrier and waited. I watched him come out, and spend time with each of the fans. When he got to Becci he said something which made them both look around, oh no, I hope they weren't looking for me. Putting my worries aside I thought back to how nice the other boys were, and how amazing the night ahead was going to be!

Soon enough, all the boys had gone and we were on our way to the first bar of the night. Time for fun, fun, fun!

An hour on we were just chilling at the bar when I saw a figure walk towards us out the corner of my eye, but I just put it off, thinking it'd be another random night-goer... That was until I heard Becci scream as the person grabbed her from behind. Immediately our heads both shot around to see who this stranger was. Only to discover that it wasn't a stranger at all.


'Darren! What on earth are you doing here? Why did you have to sneak up on us like that?' Becci exclaimed as she hugged him.

'Oh, we were just out celebrating having a sold out date, not back touring for a few days now so it's fine... This is only our second stop of the night, but we noticed you so thought we'd come see what you's were up to.' He replied back, smiling then hugged me too.

'That's a lie' said Mike, as he walked up to us with Lachie. 'We've been here for a good half hour, noticed you straight away, but this ones only just manned up enough to come over and talk' he laughed, gently punching Darren's arm.

'So, why are you two here? Celebrating anything? Or just post gig drinks?' Lachie asked as he hugged us.

'It's [YN]'s birthday. I surprised her with the VIP tickets and now we're celebrating! Are the other two here?' Becci said.

'Erm yeah they were just be.....' Darren began before being cut off.

'Argh, stop it Mark! Get off me!' Timmy shouted, coming running towards us and shooting behind Lachie, hiding.

Do You Love Me? - Mark FranksWhere stories live. Discover now