Momma jones

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Betty bites her lip slamming down a key card on the table Jughead was zoned out on and Veronica and Archie were being coupley at. Jughead jumped looking at her. "Well hello there to you to wonderful girlfriend"he said sarcastically smiling drinking some of his coke. Betty smiled back. "Were going to Toledo to go see Jellybean and your mom"Betty  announced. Jughead spit his drink on Archie who gasped as well. "What!"Jughead said shocked. "Come on. It's summer and you said so yourself. You'd go even if it were just to see jellybean "Betty begged. "Betty. My mom doesn't wanna see me. I mean have you actually looked at me. I do look like my dad"Jughead asked. Argument started to come up. "Jughead. We are not gonna argument about this. You are coming with me to stay at the Radisson Hotel for a week and you will see your baby sister"Betty demanded. "Why are you so stuck on this Betty. Look. I'd love to see jellybean but if my mom doesn't want to face me then no "Jughead said firm. He seen Betty's mad eyes go soft. "I just want you to be happy. If you really don't want to do this then I'll cancel it"Betty sighed. "I just want you happy juggie"Betty said cupping his face in her hand. Jughead sighed closing his eyes thinking. "How will we get there"he scooted over inviting her to sit. "My mom said she'll let me use the car. . . Well actually your the one with the license "Betty giggled. "Fine well go"Jughead rolled his eyes. Betty smiled softly. "We leave tonight. Meet me at my house at 6"Betty smiled happy to his agreement


They unpacked there stuff in the hotel room. They were both so tired. She put on her silky black Lacey sleep gown walking to the bed yawning taking down her hair. "It's hards not to look"Jughead said kissing her going under the sheets inviting her. "Well then look"Betty laughed kissing him. He picked up his phone. "We should call first. Just a heads up right"Jughead asked. "Tomorrow. It's 4 in the morning now "Betty nodded. Taking the phone laying it on her side. The next day it was morning and they were both dress they were out sight seeing until it came to be 6. He called and she answered in second. "Hey jug"she smiled. "I'm in Toledo "Jughead got straight to the point. "Where are you staying?!"she panicked. "In a hotel room with my girlfriend "Jughead said blunt again. "Ohh. "His mom said. "I wanna see jellybean. Mom"Jughead begged. "Just jellybean. Not your old lady?"she said humors.   "Of course. But I look like dad and are you really ready to even look at me"he asked sad. Betty kissing his cheek holding it. "Of course I was so selfish to tell you that and cancel our plans. "She smiled a bit. He smiled to. "Well I remember were you guys live so I guess will be on our way over"Jughead said holding Betty's hand. "Okay. I was just finishing up dinner. We can all eat together "she said hanginfnup. Jughead put the phone down letting out a deep breath. "Your okay with having dinner with us right? "Jughead asked hopefully. "Of course. I've been dying to meet your mom"Betty smiled getting up holding out her hand. He grabbed it and they walked through the hotel holding hands and the whole car ride holding hands. They pulled up to the front. He let out a sigh looking at there hands. "Don't be nervous. She dying to see you. So is jellybean "Betty said kissing his hand. He got out the car opening the door helping her out. A women with black hair like Veronica's but long. Way longer, down to her hips stepped out the house. And a girl. Who look 12 ran out stopping looking at Jughead like he wasn't real. "Juggley buggly !"she shouted running to him. Betty and him stopped holding hands as he reached out for he picking her up while they hugged. Betty looked down smiling. How cute and how alike they looked. "I missed you"she said hugging him like no tomorrow. "I miss you to my little J-bean"he smiled. "You still have it"she said dusting his beanie. He chuckled kissing her check letting her down. "This is My girlfriend"Jughead said. Jellybean looked up and her smiling. "I know. You talked about her a lot to mommy."she giggled. "Im betty"Betty smiled. "Jellybean. But you can call me J•B"she said waving. Betty giggled. His mom walked up. Jughead and her hugged for a while. "It's so good to see you son "she said looking him up and down. "I missed you to mom"he smiled looking at Betty. Her moms attention turned to her. "You must be Betty"she smiled. "Yes"Betty smiled shaking her hand. "He talked about you a lot. I mean like 95 % of our convocation were about you since like 3rd grade"she laughed Betty giggled blushing. "He talks a lot about you to. "Betty blushed. "Well come on in the old people are waiting to meet the girl  That changed Jughead"she smiled. They walked in the house. Jughead looked around and so did Betty. An old women came along with an old man. "Well look it looky. Jughead got himself a wife"the old man said. "Definitely "Jughead flirted. Betty looked at him blushing. His grandparents crowded Betty with questions and comments that she answered to. After hell almost broke lose they sat at the table eating. "So Betty do you plan to keep my son around?"his mom asked. "Of course"Betty smiled. "Is it because he's gonna be pulling in money with the book his writing?"she asked more serious. "With all respect mrs. Jones. But FP asked me the same thing and I'll tell you what I told him. I completely love Jughead for who he is. No his income...I could careless if he was poor or rich in the future. I'm sure we'd find a way to support our family even if I had to be the one working. Don't get me wrong. Regardless I would work but I love him for being him "Betty said hold his head. He gave a toothy grin to his mom who nodded smiling. "Crap. It's late. Betts we should get going..."Jughead said. "You leaving. So soon? Will you be back?"jellybean asked causing a knife pain go through her heart. "We're gonna stay at a hotel jelly. We can hang out tomorrow "Jughead frowned. "Actually she'll be with her babysitter tomorrow all day. I work 6 in the morning to 8 at night. The old people are leaving town"Jugheads mom said. "Sorry"she added.betty seen Jughead frown and think he wanted to ask Betty but didn't wanna ruin here time together.  "She can come with us tonight It can be like a sleep over. We can take care of her. The hotel has a pool and all and we'll bring her back homes at 8:30"Betty announced. "I couldn't ask you to do that. You should enjoy your time here"she frowned. "And we will. It will be a great way for me a jellybean to know each other. "Betty begged. "I don't mind"Jughead smiled at Betty. She smiled back squeezing his hand. "Alright then. Let me get her bag"she said jellybean jumped cheering. "God that's why I love you"Jughead smiled at Betty. "If it makes you happy then anything you want"she smiled.the whole time they were in that city. They went swimming to the fair ,dinners. Going out to eat, touring. Making the most of it. By the time they needed to leave jellybean called Betty her sister in law. And Jugheads mom called her daughter. Giving them her blessing. They were packed and ready to go. "Do you guys have to leave"jellybean asked. "Yes"Jughead said hugging her. "Well come soon. I promise "Betty added hugging her. "Bye juggie. But sister in law "she giggling   "I love you both!"she said running into the house. His mom hugged Betty first. "As much as a pain Jughead can be. Don't give up on him. He's a good kid"she mumbled "I know"Betty smiled. Jughead opened her door helping her in closing it. Betty looked ahead inhaling knowing Jughead was either gonna cry or be silent for a few days. "Thanks for letting me see you guys"Jughead smiled. "Thank you for coming. That girl is an angel. You keep her"his mom smiled. "I plan to"Jughead smiled. "I love and miss you. Drive safe"she said kissing his head.  "I love you to mom"he said pulling away. She took off her ring putting it in his hand. "Your father gave me that. Be careful and wait until you know you can support her"she said kissing his cheek leaving. He trucked it in him pocket going to the driver side smiling driving off. "Thanks. Betty"Jughead smiled. "If it weren't for you I'd never see my mom or jellybean"he added. She smiled leaning in kissing him. "Anything to make you happy"she smiled holding his hand.

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