The Mystery Girl

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Bucky's POV

Well, it's been a while sense the wolf encounter, and I was pretty sure we were lost. We had been traveling for two hours and still no sign of the hill.

Just as I was starting to think that we should turn back, I saw something in a tree up ahead. Me being me, I turned to Steve and said, "I see something, lets go!" Not specifying what I saw.

I ran ahead, and when I looked up an astonishing sight met my eyes. There was a treehouse up in the tree. It wasn't just any treehouse though. It was big enough for a person to live in, which was quite big. But the treehouse wasn't the most surprising thing. As I stared at the treehouse, I looked in one of the windows. There was a girl in there, she looked to be about 14 or 15.

I gasped and tried to find a way up, but the foliage was astonishingly thick, and there was no obvious route up. So I did the natural thing, and ran back to Steve to tell him what I had found, and recruit him to help me climb up.

When we finally got back to the treehouse, the girl was standing on the porch outside of it. "Who are you?" Steve yelled up. "Do you need help?" She yelled back down "No, I'm fine. I would appreciate it if you just left me alone though." "But you shouldn't be left out here all alone!" I yelled up. "What about your parents?"

She answered, "they're coming to pick me up, they'll be here soon. I was staying overnight here with a friend."

"Are you sure?" Steve asked.

And so we trekking on, oblivious to the fact that something big had just happened.

Sorry I haven't been updating! I've been really busy and should update more in August. I just wanted to say, if you have any little ideas our questions, feel free to comment them. BUT, I will not feel obligated to put any ideas you have in. Thanks!

Word count: 350

Just A Wolf's Luck - Avengers/X-Men **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now