The Mansion

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Hey, I'm back! Here's a chapter! BOOM!

"Dad, I knew Josh couldn't take them on! He'd be dead now if it wasn't for me!" Dad's glare softened.

He looked at Josh. "Is this true?" Josh hesitantly nodded.

Dad sighed. "Fine. But DON'T do it again."

"Ok" I blatantly lied.

"Now, what should we do with our ""totally unconscious"" attackers?" I asked.

Dad looked at them with distrust, then winked at me. "Are you sure they're knocked out?" He asked loudly.

I caught on and smirked at him. "Oh totally, they have to be. I hit them super hard." I answered equally loudly.

"Well I guess we can take them to Charles then, he'll know what to do. If they're really knocked out, they won't be able to leave a sign for their agency." Dad replied.

I smirked and nodded at dad, then started dragging Star Spangled Banner over to the truck. Behind me I heard dad grab Bad Haircut and drag him in the same direction. I loaded him up in the back and got in the driver's seat. Dad and Josh glared at me. "Guys, I would have a driver's license. And I swear I won't kill anyone..." Dad pushed me out of the seat and into the back, next to the "knocked out" idiots.
  "Remember last time?"Dad said, smirking at me. I glared at him.

   "We swore never to bring that up." I said, giving him a withering look.

  "Well I know, but those poor, poor alligators... They really were to Young to die..." Dad said, looking at me innocently.
   I turned away. "Whatever, just hurry. These guys smell." I heard a little indignant huff Star Spangled, followed by a sharp jab in the back by Bad Haircut. I let out a quiet giggle, amazed that these supposed "professionals" were actually that stupid. I watched with increasing awe at these two full grown men's idiocy as they dropped a full blown letter they had written off the truck and into the ground RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. ME. And I'm not over-exaggerating. It was literally as I was watching them. They also wrote the note right on front of me, but then they at least tried to hide it. I shook my head and sighed, chuckling at them.

*5 hours later*

Oh thank goodness, we were finally at the mansion (don't question how they got there just accept it) I couldn't put up with watching the two idiots any longer. Before we had gotten close we put blindfolds on bad haircut
and Star Spangled Banner, talking very obviously about how it was just too be safe, so they couldn't know how to get back. Of course at this point they had already left a clue for their associates, so there was really no need to keep them believing we actually fell for their little charade, but you never knew when it would come in handy. Besides, it was pretty hilarious.

As we pulled up to the mansion, the students ran up to great us, all of them incredibly excited. We hadn't seen any of them for a while, so they were absolutely extatic. Of course they were very curious about why there were two men unconscious in the back of our truck, but when we told them it was "X-Men business" they stopped asking. Well, for the most part. As we finally got to the end of the long driveway and parked, we unloaded the two spies and dragged them down to the basement, where we had our holding area. As we went down we got plenty of odd stairs from the students who hadn't heard we were back yet, but when they realized who it was their worry changed to excitement. Storm came in as we were going and helped us take them down, making us tell her what happened (the short version, but we didn't mention that they were awake.) We dumped them in the cell, me wondering why the heck they weren't trying to fight. Then I remembered how we had completely demolished them earlier and respected then a little more for knowing their limits.

  We headed up to Xavier's office after we made sure they were secure, chatting with Rouge and Cyclops when we saw them. They explained that Jane was teaching right now, but she would be delighted to know they were back as soon as someone told her. After stopping many times to say hello to friends (Logan getting gradually more and more frustrated at how long it was taking) We finally made it to professor X's office. Logan knocked on the door and waited to hear a "come in" before opening it. He and I walked in, a bright smile overtaking my face when I saw my friend. "Xavier!" I yelled, grabbing him in a tight bear hug, a skill I had learned masterfully over the years.

  "Hello Sabrina! It's great to see you again." Xavier chuckled, smiling at me. I grinned back at him, beyond happy to see him again.

"Ahem" Dad coughed from behind me, reminding us of his presence. "I'm assuming you've been told why we're here?" He said, addressing Xavier. His face darkened and he nodded, looking serious.

"Yes, this is a problem. You did right to bring them to me, though I am not sure what to do from here. They left a note saying what had happened?" I nodded, looking at him grimly.

"Yes, but they don't know where they are. Unless they somehow figure it out, they won't come here." I said, looking at Xavier. He smiled, and I knew he had a plan.

"Well then we better go tell them where there friends are."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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