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Share your infinity

Show your heart, miss.

Agostina, the one
Lady of the ocean and all fun

Show me how to dance under the moon
Show me how to dance before my doom

I'll follow you before you fade

More than just finishing

Keeper of the portal gates,
Eyes of the eternal fates,
With you I have eternal faith.

Ethernal carrier
Womb of the divine, making marrier,
Divine feminine
Balance your masculine.

Involunteerily you have sucuumbed to my energy,
Involunteerily, I have seen my worst enemy.

Chakras and crystals
Feeling of water distills,
Crystal water,
Show the road to the departer.

Final fire,
Dancing with pyre,
Final earth,
Breathing in the myrth
Final air,
To feel your heavenly care.
Final Love,
To free the eternal dove

Dove white, dove bright, show me your eyes tonight.
I long to be in your embrace,
Please don't deny my disgrace.

Final fire, eternal desire.
Desire of fairies in the dark
Where we shall never depart,
Desires of a one mind
Where we shall never be bound by time
Desires of time,
To be with you, Divine...

Final fire, eternal desire
Final Desire, eternal fire.

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