The Flickering Flame

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In a conundrum... save me... perhaps you are the answer, I've been learning how to deal with my own problems without you, that I can stand alone without you - that even if you break me the hell down, I will stand up, refuse your BS, and step up and try, try, try and try harder and harder to win a heart of gold that has been taken by someone else... so, I beg thee, with tears in my eyes, don't go, don't sucuumb to that thing you call Life, or the temptations it potrays, because, maybe, just maybe, I am watching and I am breaking down in my heartspace, watching you fall in love with someone that is not me, while my own perception of reality fades and burns while it flickers in your face - Twin, the flame you are seeing is My Love projected to you... you are grasping that Love, holding it in a little potion bottle with a false label..

You have forgotten haven't you, that the flame you feel, the love you feel, comes directly from my soul?

You have forgotten haven't you, that the flicker on your face is the shadow of my flame and that the power and transformations you perceive comes from both of us.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who rules your heart? The flickering flame, or the illusion of the reality you think... sorry to say this, Flame, but there is only One Twinflame for you... and it can not be the shadow of the flickering flame,  it has to be the Real Flame...

So I conclude my epilogue of life and death with a blessing, if I choose so I could've made it a very bad day for you, maybe worse - Bless you, Flame, and the relationship you are having, may you be guided by your delusional self, or be guided by your true Authenticity, the choice is yours - follow the path of the synchronosity and there you will find the true Flame, not the flickering of this Pandora Flame, shining on you from a distance, no, the real FLAME

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