Eternity Flew

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You have seen this finally.

Now that we are beyond time and space
We don't need to feel below this sacred space.

Show your heart tonight,
Give me your chakra grids for a flight.

Aspire to bring that fire
Inspire to ignite that pyre.

Time has nothing on us anymore
For we have seen the dimensions crossing beyond the floors. 

If it rhymes
It should give you that time.

Verbs and phrases
What are words but eternal places? 

Show me how you can fly with wings of dragons
For within you lies the keys of all dragons.

You are the lavender lady, 
I love you because you are that part of me, not burning faintly.

You have burned me with your hate,
and I converted it to my fate.

Your boyfriend has cheated on you, 
So you can come to me ever-new.

I admire you too
My lady of all views. 

I might think I know what I don't know
but I know deep inside me that all is furlong. 

God be with us,
In this eternal maze. 

Mazes of fires,
coming through holy pyres. 

Immortality has been bestowed upon me
Unless I wilt it within me so mote it be.

I don't will death anymore, 
I have died everyday all so more. 

Aspire and desire
To feel that eternal desire.

I love you so much it hurts
but it shouldn't be that blurt. 

Fairy king I am your fairy king
Fairy nymph, you are my fairy queen. 

Queen of cups, queen of the ravens
Tonight we shall walk and fly among all that we have been craven. 

Where are we now in this Universe
If we have seen beyond this multi-verse? 

It was amazing...

Humor me with your flattery
But don't think I haven't seen and felt your honesty. 

Inspire to create love
For love is all we have. 

Don't you see? 
You are meant for me... 

Maybe not now

But you already seen it now. 

Dude, I just love you so much.
And that part I can tell you, so blush. 

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