Chapter one: Fuming

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Clary POV:

They Volturi wants us to visit them in Italy. I am fuming .

"Why do they want us to visit?! Why should we? The Volturi have made our life's hell! And now they expect us to visit?! Who do they think they are!?" I yell.

"Clary, honey calm down." Esme says trying to calm me down.

"Stop, just stop. I'm so not okay with us going. Oh, by the way Carslie, that was one of the stupidest idea I've ever heard on my 19,120 years to reply, 'Yes of course we will visit you. I'm sure my coven will be delighted for a visit. I'll see you in a few days.'. Why not ask us first for our opinions on going!? Why the f*** not?!" I say continuing to yell.

"Your gonna loose your voice soon if you don't stop yelling." Emmet says. I glare at him. He puts his hands up in surrender, because he knows from experience what I can do of you piss me off enough.

"Clary, we are going, and that's final."
Carslie says and walks away.

"Clary, honey, why don't you go for a walk to try to calm you down." Esme says.

"Alright, let me grab my jacket and music." I say running up the steps into my room.

My balcony has a ledge that I love to jump off of and it scares Esme because she doesn't want me hurt, but she doesn't know all the pain I've been through. All the heartbreak, all the loss. She doesn't know what it feels like to be alone in the world. She just doesn't understand.

I lost my mom from a incurable sickness. Then I lost Luke, my father figure in a attack on werewolf's all because he was one. Then I lost Simon, one of the people I trusted with my life to a different coven. Then Antheodora Wayland, my best friend. She was like my sister, she always thought i was braver than anyone. But she was. She put herself in front the knife that was thrown to kill me. I still feel that it's my fault. Finally, I lost my lover, the only person I've ever loved like that, Caius Wayland. My best friend, the person I cared about more than anything, my one and only lover. That is until I find my mate. But I don't think I ever will. It still hurts thinking about them even though it's been centuries.

I didn't realize where I was until I was at the river. The barrier line between the wolf pack and us vampires. I turn around and run back to the house.

I wonder if Simon, Antheodora or Caius is with the Volturi. And if they are, will they remember me at all? I'll just have to wait and see. Can't wait. (Note the sarcasm)

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